Rescuing Emily (Delta Force Heroes Book 2)

Free Rescuing Emily (Delta Force Heroes Book 2) by Susan Stoker

Book: Rescuing Emily (Delta Force Heroes Book 2) by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
there. Were you a good girl this past week?”
    Fletch leaned over and put the child on the ground and smiled down at her.
    “Did you get me a present?”
    “Ann Elizabeth,” Emily scolded. “You know that’s not how you behave.”
    Annie scuffed her shoe in the dirt on the ground. “Sorry, Fletch. Love is the best present I could ever get. I’m glad you’re home safe and sound.” She was obviously repeating what her mom had told her often.
    Fletch got down on one knee and looked into Annie’s eyes. “I was traveling for work, not for pleasure, sprite. There wasn’t any good place to shop where I was.”
    She nodded at him solemnly. “It’s okay. I have my Army men you gave me. You want to come up and look at them with me? They’re still safe inside their boxes.”
    Emily felt a lump in her throat. She’d never been able to give her daughter new toys. Birthday and Christmas presents all came from the thrift store or yard sales. She cleaned them up so that they looked as new as possible, but they both knew they weren’t. Every night, Annie talked to her Army men, safe inside their plastic packaging. She refused to take them out, wanting them to stay in perfect condition. Having a new toy was an anomaly, one that Emily knew she’d forever be somewhat jealous of Fletch for giving to Annie.
    “I can’t, sorry. Another time, yeah?”
    “Okay.” Annie was rarely disappointed. If Fletch said he’d come up another time, she’d hold him to it.
    “Welcome home, Fletch. Bye!”
    Emily and Fletch watched as Annie raced back up the stairs. She almost never walked, always in a hurry to go somewhere.
    “Did you have a good trip?”
    Fletch nodded, but didn’t say anything.
    “I brought your mail.” Emily held out the bundle she’d grabbed before heading down the stairs. “If you weren’t back in a day or so, I would’ve brought it over and made sure all was well in your house, but I didn’t think I needed to yet since it’s only been six days.”
    “Thanks.” Fletch reached out and took the stack of mail from her. “Everything go okay here?”
    Emily nodded, sensing something was different with Fletch, but not able to put her finger on it. Maybe he was worried about his gambling debts—or maybe he felt guilty about her paying them. She opened her mouth to bring it up, but he beat her to it.
    “I saw you had a visitor this week,” Fletch said in a monotone voice.
    “A visitor. I told you this place is wired; I have cameras set up.”
    “Oh,” Emily breathed out in relief. Fletch had seen the man come by. He’d bring up the money and make it right. Annie would be safe.
    “I might not have made it clear before, but of course you’re welcome to have guests. The apartment is your home; I don’t want you to feel bad about having people over.”
    Emily looked at Fletch in confusion. “What?”
    “Emily, this is your home now. I wouldn’t appreciate any wild parties, but you can certainly invite your friends, or boyfriends, up to your apartment.”
    Still confused, she opened her mouth to ask Fletch to please talk to his friend, to take care of his own gambling debts—and to make sure he knew about how the man had threatened to have Annie taken away from her—when he continued.
    “There are things about me, about my life, that I can’t share with you. But you being here makes my life easier, and I appreciate it. It’s nice that you can help me out.”
    Emily bit her lip and stared up at Fletch in disbelief. Not only did it sound like he knew about the man and his demands, but that he expected her to pay the other soldier.
    “I want my friends to be your friends too. They’re important to me, and they know everything about me. Eventually you’ll meet them all. But I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable about bringing your own friends around either. All right?”
    Emily could only nod. She was in shock. She’d been sure he’d tell her not to worry about the

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