Alexei (Her Russian Protector #8)
under concrete.”
    He snorted and clapped Besian on the arm. “Thanks.”
    “Anytime.” Besian stepped back. “Good luck.”
    “Yeah.” Almost two thousand dollars lighter but armed with much needed information, Alexei left the strip club. He checked his phone on the way out and noticed a text from Boychenko.
    Boss man says he took her to the Arena to find her sister. Headed that way.
    Alexei considered the situation he had unknowingly put Boychenko in and experienced a wave of guilt. If the kid tangled with Lalo or any of his enforcers, there would be hell to pay with Nikolai. Not wanting Boychenko to get into any unnecessary trouble, he shot him back a quick message.
    Hang back. I’m on my way.
    He slid into his seat and fastened his seatbelt. His mind raced as he drove down Richmond Avenue. He could think of a dozen different ways to save Shay and get her out of this mess her sister had created, but he couldn’t think of one viable option for saving Shannon. He had no leverage and nothing to trade for her. She was complicit and guilty and the underworld dons would want her to pay the price for her crime.
    How the hell was he supposed to tell Shay that he couldn’t save her sister? She would hate him for failing her. She would despise him for breaking her trust in their friendship. Before he had even had a chance to find the courage to pursue her properly, the possibility of building something real with her would be snuffed out like a candle flame.
    He had just turned onto Hillcroft when his phone started to ring. The Bluetooth connection in his vehicle answered the call. Hard, panicked breaths poured out of the speakers. Instantly on alert, he answered, “Hello?”
    “Alexei!” A woman sobbed his name. It took him a moment to realize that was Shay’s voice all twisted up with fear and panic.
    “Oh my god! Alexei! I need your help.” She began to cry. “They trashed my car and then Lalo tried to—” She broke off for a moment before continuing, “And I hit him and he’s bleeding everywhere. God, I’m so scared.”
    Lalo tried to what? He wanted to scream the question, to demand she tell him what that son of a bitch had done to make her cry, but then he zeroed in on what she had said. He’s bleeding everywhere .
    Had she attacked Lalo in self-defense? Was the cartel’s golden boy dead? Were his men chasing her?
    “Shay! Calm down.” He used his most commanding voice with her, hoping it would calm her down and help her think straight. “Where are you?”
    “I’m behind the Arena? I think? I don’t know what to do.”
    The fear in her voice cut him deep. He squashed the pet names burning the tip of his tongue. This wasn’t the time to coddle her. He needed to keep her from panicking. He needed to be firm and give her quick instructions that would keep her safe and alive until he could find her.
    “Can you get to one of the restaurants on Fondren? There’s a couple of fast food joints there.”
    “I don’t know.”
    “I’ll stay on the phone with you. I’m only a few minutes away on Hillcroft. I’ve been looking for you.”
    I’ll find you, he silently swore.
    Navigating the late night traffic proved tricky. He kept his ears perked and focused on the sounds coming from his speakers while his eyes were trained on the busy road in front of him. Every single intersection was agony. He just had to make one left onto the freeway and then he would be so close to her.
    “Shay? Are you there?” She was being unnaturally quiet, and it worried him.
    “Can you see those restaurants?”
    “I think so. Yes. I’m almost there.”
    “Good. Keep moving. I’m coming for you.”
    Every muscle in his body tensed as he raced toward the Arena. Flashes of violent memories from his time as an enforcer taunted him. All of the awful, terrible shit he had done haunted him now. Was Shay about to pay the price for his misdeeds? Was the universe going to settle that score by hurting the

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