Sanctuary of Mine

Free Sanctuary of Mine by S. Pratt, Emily Dawson

Book: Sanctuary of Mine by S. Pratt, Emily Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Pratt, Emily Dawson
exchanging pilfered glances with Tyler in the hallways all day and then daydreaming about him in class. To my young heart, that has never truly known what it means to be in love, I think I am. Okay, maybe it’s lust. He’s hot, there’s no doubt about that. But my subconscious refuses to believe that’s all there is. Tyler’s not like other boys. There’s a something more to him than just good looks. He cares.
    I want desperately to have more chance encounters with him, especially since the day at the beach. Yet two weeks have almost passed and he isn’t forthcoming with instigating more. Sure, he returns the looks like he wants to devour me, which only makes me blush down to my toes, making me all the more confused and agitated. I don’t know where I stand with him. Am I just crushing on a boy that has no intention of ever making me his girl? Is he happy to talk outside of school, but the thought of actually being seen with me here scares him to death?
    Being grouped with the nerds, I’m well aware of my social standing on the ‘I’m too cool for school’ ladder. In fact, under normal circumstances there is no way a girl like me could even hope for a second glance from a guy like him. But that’s just the problem. I did get a second glance. Now I want more. This business of liking boys just keeps getting more addictive.
    Sighing, I clear out my locker for the weekend. Levi suddenly appears at my side.
    ‘Shit, Levi. You scared the crap out of me!’
    ‘I’m not surprised; you looked a million miles away.’ Levi totally gets me. Being his saviour was kind of a blessing in disguise.
    ‘I was just wondering what to make of Tyler Redding.’
    ‘He’s totally into you.’ Levi hugs his books to his chest, his tone wistful, like he too would like someone like Tyler Redding to be in to him as well.
    ‘You think so?’
    ‘Girl, I know so.’
    ‘Well why doesn’t he ask me out? Do you think it’s because of … you know, my eating disorder?’ My hand suddenly flies to my mouth in shock. ‘Oh my god, do you think perhaps I repulse him?’ Levi slams my locker shut and links arms with me, reassuringly stroking my arm.
    ‘No way, Mackenzie. He definitely likes you. There is nothing he’s putting out there that says he is repulsed in the slightest. And believe me, I’ve seen him watching you.’
    ‘Then, what then?’
    ‘I don’t know , but I’m sure he’ll come to his senses soon and ask you out.’ I’m not fully convinced, but there’s nothing I can do but hope he’s right and bide my time. We walk arm in arm down the hall towards the front school entrance where students are assembling to catch the bus home.
    Stepping out into the sunlight, I’m momentarily blinded by its rays. It’s only when my eyes adjust that I see him.
    ‘Oh my god!’ I exclaim, pinching Levi’s arm tightly.
    ‘Ow! What?’
    ‘There’s my dad!’ And there he is – the man that makes all my skies blue because he knows just how to chase the storm clouds away.
    ‘Really? What’s his name?’ he says excitedly, suddenly scanning the crowd of students for a man that could be my father.
    ‘ Chris; it’s Chris. I’ve gotta go, I’ll introduce you later,’ I yell over my shoulder as I dash off in the direction of my dad.
    He’s standing beside a rental car, double parked in the staff car park and not caring one iota because he’s here to get his baby girl. My dad looks really young for his forty-two years. Very Matthew McConaughey. Whenever he’s home and takes me out, I see the way women look at him. To his face they’re all sunshine and light. Behind his back I’m the recipient of their scathing looks, jealous that I’m in his company. Part of me wants to yell at them to get a grip and back off. The child in me smiles sweetly, taunting them with something they can’t possibly have. I love my dad. When he’s home to see me, I have his undivided attention.
    Running as fast as I can,

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