A Trespass in Time
you’re making me dizzy,” Ella said, giggling. When she reached up to wipe some of the slobber off her mouth, the gesture so tickled her that she started laughing like she couldn’t stop.
                “It is very funny.” Hugo said as he watched her try to get control of her laughter. Just the way he said it set her off again.
                “I’m sorry, Hugo,” she said, still laughing. “I’m not laughing at you, I’m just—” but she couldn’t get the rest of the sentence out because she was so definitely laughing at his patient expression.
                Hugo pulled back, frowning and watching her. When she finally stopped laughing, he reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a small block of white cheese.
                “You see what I have here?” he said, holding the white block up for her to see.
                She wiped her eyes and squinted at it. “Looks like…tofu?” she grinned like she was going to start laughing again but he spoke quickly.
                “C-4,” he said.
                She wasn’t laughing now. She looked at the tofu-like block.
                “C-4 as in explosive ?” she said.
                He nodded. “I am using it in my job,” he said.
                Ella shook her head and tried to remember what his job was.
                “My job ,” he said, as if hurt that she didn’t instantly know, as if she must have been thinking of him all these weeks as he was thinking of her.
                “Your job as a…”
                “I am a building demolition contractor. My firm dismantles buildings.” He waved the block in her face.
                “I’m impressed,” Ella said, feeling more sober by the moment. “You bring your work home with you?”
                Hugo shrugged. “It’s controlled,” he said. “To be certified to handle C-4 speaks to my ability as a contractor.”
                “What does it say about you that you would bring it on a date?” Ella asked.
                He grinned, tossed it in the air and caught it.
                “That I want to impress my date, of course,” he said. “Did it work? I have the blasting caps, too. Want to see?”
                “Sure.” Ella was starting to talk to him as she would a crazy person. Don’t upset him. Don’t let on he’s upsetting you.
                He pulled out three long metal tubes with wires attached to the ends.
                “I carry them around like most men carry car keys!” He placed them on the coffee table with the C-4 and then turned to Ella. His grin was so genuine and playful that Ella’s suspicions fell away. He was just a big doofus trying to impress a girl, she thought. In a really bizarre fashion. The interesting thing? It sort of worked. Ella found herself fascinated with the items on the coffee table.  
                Hugo scooted back over to her and slipped his arms around her to hoist her up onto his lap. She was so surprised at the move that she let him do it. He held up a finger in front of her face in a mock scold.
                “No laughing,” he said, which made her smile.
                When he kissed her, she turned in his arms until she was straddling him on the couch. Within seconds, his hands were under her blouse and bra and cupping her naked breasts. She gasped at how fast she had gotten to this position. What he was doing felt amazing but a creeping feeling told her that there was something not right. Then it came to her: All the night’s alcohol and all the exquisite sensuous throbbing in all the right places couldn’t hide the fact that he wasn’t Rowan. As soon as the thought formed in her head, the wonderful feelings above and below the waist faded to nothing.
                She pushed

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