Seduction's Kiss (The Allure Chronicles)
    “We? So there was
someone else there?”
    “Yes. A friend.” He
didn’t elaborate, so I didn’t push for more. The other guy didn’t
    “And he’s a Pteron
too?” Even though I didn’t care who the guy was, I did wonder what he was.
    “Yes, but you need to
stop talking about us. You need to forget we exist.”
    “How am I supposed to
do that?” I opened my eyes as best I could.
    He was turned to look
at me. “I don’t know, but talking about us will only put you in
danger or get you committed.”
    “Both wonderful
    “Great sense of
    “What did Mayanne mean
by my being meant for a paranormal?”
    “I don’t know, but you
need sleep. Rest up.” He turned away.
    “All right.” I closed
my eyes.
    “If you need anything
let me know.”
    Need anything? How
about want? I decided to be bold, to take one more chance. “Could I
get a kiss? Something good to turn this whole weekend around?”
    “You want me to kiss
    I kept my eyes closed,
unwilling to see him laugh.
    “If I kiss you, will
you promise not to talk about us? To forget about Pterons?”
    “I can’t forget.”
    “Will you try? At least
promise not to tell anyone.”
    “I can promise to
    I felt the bed shift,
and I stayed as still as possible. Was he moving closer to me?
    His lips brushed
against mine lightly, but that small contact set me on fire. I
reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. The action did
something to him, because the feather light kiss grew more fevered.
I soaked up the salty-sweetness of his mouth. My entire body hummed
and responded to his lips. His hands pressed into the bed on either
side of me as he hovered over me, and I buried my hands in hair. In
those moments I knew one thing. I was forever ruined for other
guys. Forget the witch’s concoction—this was seduction’s kiss.

The Allure Chronicles
    Alyssa Rose Ivy
    Book Description:
    There's danger in the
    Two years, six months,
and twenty-five days. That's how long it had been since I'd seen my
winged hero— not that I'd been counting. I'd suffered through years
of counseling just to convince my friends and family that I wasn't
crazy and knew he didn't exist.
    But he did. And I was
done waiting.
    Days after college
graduation I headed back down to New Orleans to retrace my steps
and find Owen again only to find my life was about to get even
crazier… thanks to the most beautiful and dangerous of all
paranormal creatures, the Allures.
    “Are you ready to tell
me about your recent dreams?” My psychiatrist, the one my mother
forced me to see, watched as I chipped off more of my dark purple
nail polish.
    “There’s nothing worth
    “Are you sure?” she
pressed. She seemed to think pushing me made me more talkative. It
    “Absolutely. There’s
been nothing new for months.” My answer was completely true. My
dreams hadn’t changed. Of course she’d probably want to know that I
was still having the same recurring dreams that had filled my
nights for over two and a half years.
    “You haven’t been
thinking about that boy then?” She pushed her glasses up on the
bridge of her nose.
    “I’m seeing someone
new. I told you that a few weeks ago.”
    “Oh, yes. Andrew, isn’t
it?” She leaned back in her chair.
    “Yes. It’s long
distance, but we’ll get to see each other later this week.” I was
getting really good at giving selective information that didn’t
require outright lying.
    “Are you still planning
your trip down to New Orleans?”
    “Yes. It’s a fantastic
opportunity. I need to take the interview.” I straightened up on
the couch.
    “Have you considered
what effect this might have on you? Whether it might trigger the
dreams and thoughts again?”
    “Of course I have.” Or
rather I’d considered how my family and psychiatrist would respond
to me going. I knew it was my only option. It had been two and

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