Pies & Peril
never serious. He wasn't your type. You've told me that many times. Maybe Bruce wasn't your friend's type. One woman's unbearable geek can be another woman's knight in shining armor. Things happen, worlds collide, orbits shift, etcetera, etcetera. Have you two kissed?"
    " Yes."
    " More than a goodnight peck on the cheek?"
    " Yes."
    " What kind of underwear does he prefer?"
    " Briefs."
    " Yes!" Amy clapped her hands. "I just need one slice of the bourbon bread to try myself. You can have all of the rest to take home."
    " Gee, thanks. Twist my arm and then feed me sugar so I'll have to jog an extra two miles. You are such a sadist."
    " Don't tell him that. He'll throw me on the suspect, instead of possible future victim, list."
    The threat. Amy was being her normal, bubbly self. Deep down she had to be tough as steel to carry on like normal instead of running away or hiding. "Did you come up with any new ideas on who might've left that note?"
    " No, but you can help."
    " How?"
    " Use your feminine wiles to get Shepler to tell you who he's investigating, so I can cross-reference his suspects with the people I suspect…when I figure out somebody to suspect."
    Feminine wiles. Now there was an old-fashioned phrase she could put a modern spin on. Working odd hours at the hospital often left her surfing the internet, instead of sleeping, during the day. The clothing items and accessories offered by online stores fascinated her, especially when she hadn't slept in over 24 hours and her brain was running on empty. If the delivery guy in the brown truck knew what was in some of the boxes he was dropping off, well, she might need to offer him a towel to mop up drool instead of just smiling nicely as he handed over the packages. "Bruce is a trained detective. You're smart, but you're far from a professional sleuth…"
    " Hey, I watched Scooby Doo when I was a kid." Amy's face contorted into an exaggerated pout.
    " Seriously. Why do you want to go after a murderer?"
    " Because, judging from the note, the killer is thinking about going after me. Know your enemy. Always stay a step ahead. Be proactive. Better safe than sorry…all that jazz." She sighed. Her entire body seemed to deflate, like all of her usual happy enthusiasm had been expelled with the exhaled breath.
    " I hate to encourage you, because I don't want you to get hurt while snooping around, but I think it would be a good idea to figure out who may be behind the notes. You can protect yourself better if you have at least some idea about who your enemy is."
    Amy slapped the table. The spoon in the sugar bowl jingled. "I can figure this out. I have competed in cooking contests for years, so I know a lot of the people involved. There could be clues pointing right at the murderer that only a veteran cooking contest competitor, not a police officer who has Alessandro's Pizza on speed dial, can uncover."
    " So the Baking Queen is on the trail of a murderer?"
    " I guess so, but I need your help. Your old relationship has been sending out smoke signals despite your attempts to bury it in sand. Rekindle that flame with Shepler. He hasn't told me anything, even when I point blank asked him who he suspects, but I bet he would spill the beans to his hot lover if she asked. You are like the female equivalent of shoofly pie. Men will do anything for you. He has to have at least one suspect in mind, don't you think?"
    " I don't know. I'd say half of the town had a motive to kill Mandy Jo, so he's probably trying to whittle down the suspect list at this point." Carla spread a third slice of bread with butter. "Besides, why should I help you? You just compared me to something that attracts insects."
    " Because I'm your best friend, and I'll cut off your baked goods supply chain if you don't at least try. No more chocolate muffins for you." Another threat to withhold her favorite muffins? Not fair. Amy stood and walked to the kitchen island where the bourbon laced banana bread was cooling. As

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