Helene Blackmailed

Free Helene Blackmailed by Elliot Mabeuse

Book: Helene Blackmailed by Elliot Mabeuse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elliot Mabeuse
Tags: Romance, Erotic
    Helene breathed deeply through her nose, thrilling to the fear in her body. She was able to open her mouth enough to stick out her tongue and lick the leather that covered her lips and the acrid taste intoxicated her. She felt her nipples harden within her bra at the thought of her own helplessness. She loved the idea of the knife. She wanted him to force her to do whatever he wanted.
    He held the knife loosely as he cupped her breast, then moved his fingers so he could feel her nipple through her bra. He was getting used to her by now and he could recognize her signs of arousal. He knew where to look.
    “You like it like this,” he said. “You like to be treated like this, to be taken and fucked by a man who’ll do anything to have you. That’s why you’re so excited, isn’t it? You know I’m going to strip your clothes off you and tie you up, then lay you down on the bed and fuck you good and hard. You know I’m going to make you suck my cock too, don’t you, Helene? You know I’m going to put my big cock in your pretty mouth and you’re going to show me what a hot little thing you are.”
    Helene kept both hands at her sides balled into fists, wanting to touch him but knowing that he wouldn’t let her interfere with what he had planned for her. He took the knife in his hand again and she watched as he very carefully inserted the blade beneath the top button on her blouse. He moved it until he caught the thread against the edge and then he gave a little flick.
    The button popped free and skittered across the bare wooden floor. Her blouse parted under the insistent pressure of her breasts, showing the tops of the full mounds in their brief, gauzy bra, swollen with excitement. She could feel his breath in her ear as he slid the knife down to the next button, right between her breasts and he cut that one away too.
    She looked down to see the silver blade of the knife sliding against her warm flesh. He was destroying a favorite blouse but she hardly cared about that. The feel of that cold blade gliding against her skin was wickedly entrancing. He was careful to keep the sharp edge away from her skin, but even so, the pressure of steel against skin was enough to make her legs tremble with wild and delicious fear.
    He held her like that, with his hand over her mouth, and he cut the buttons of her blouse one by one, slowly, deliberately. When he finished he increased his grip, telling her to hold very still. She felt the blade slide up between her breasts and beneath her bra, then he turned it and with a quick flick he sliced the bra in two. He pulled the ruined blouse from her skirt then turned her around.
    The knife was back at her throat now, his other gloved hand holding her hair. He pushed her down, slowly, inexorably down to her knees, though he hardly had to use force. Helene’s legs were like water and she had to reach out and dig her nails into his trousers to keep her balance as she sank down, eyes closed, almost afraid to look. She heard the harsh rasp of his zipper and the metallic clink of his belt as he opened it, and she felt the subtle movement in the air as he dropped his pants. She could sense the maleness of his lust, feel it like heat on her lips. Maybe it was the scent of him or the feel of his heat on her cheeks, but she could sense the urgency of his cock reaching for her. She lifted her face and looked up at him and saw the wild intensity in his eyes, his jaw clenched hard. She knew what he wanted.
    She felt herself melting and she opened her mouth and leaned forward, letting his swollen hardness slide over her lips. That spear of urgent flesh slid into her mouth, impossibly hot and throbbing with masculine potency and desire for her.
    It was his need that did it, the savage desire she felt from him. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt from anyone else and it made her achingly weak and compliant. She wanted to be good to him. She knew that she was the cause of his need and she

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