
Free Signs by Anna Martin

Book: Signs by Anna Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Martin
And… we’re going to need to figure out some signs, so we can check in with each other when it happens.
    Caleb: Okay.
    Luc: Are we really going to do this, C?
    I hope so , Caleb typed, then looked up into the webcam. I want to. There’s no rush, though.
    Luc: I know. I trust you, you know? I wanted to wait until I could be with someone who was going to take care of me.
    Caleb: I’ll do that .
    Luc smiled into the camera again. I know .
    Caleb: So… how was school ?
    And suddenly they’d moved on. Luc had never imagined that a relationship with someone would be this easy. There was so much stacked against this thing they had going on—Caleb’s deafness, the distance, the fact that they were both young and lived with their parents—but something in Luc’s gut was saying this sort of connection didn’t come around every day. This was special.
    He intended to cherish it.

    C ALEB WAS a careful driver. He thought he would have been a careful driver even if he didn’t have an impairment. His nature tended toward quiet and respectful, and he hated even the thought of causing anyone else injury or upset due to his actions.
    It had taken him a little longer than his peers to pass his driving test, mostly because he had to be made aware of the hazards a driver would normally hear. There were certain conditions he didn’t like having to drive in—heavy fog or torrential rain, especially at night, because he felt boxed in and panicky. Most of the time, especially on bright days like this, he enjoyed it.
    The drive to Meriden took a little over two hours, with traffic. Caleb had allowed himself plenty of time to make the trip, and he arrived at the parking lot Luc had suggested feeling like he was going to be sick. There were knots in his stomach.
    Instead of waiting in the car, Caleb got out and walked around the block once to stretch his legs and get some fresh air. As he looped back into the covered lot, a shiny black car nipped in around him and Caleb startled. Then the window rolled down and Luc’s face grinned up at him.
    Luc jerked his head. “Get in.”
    Caleb jogged lightly around the front of the car and slid into the passenger seat, his heart beating extra fast and his stomach twisting even further. Luc leaned across the divide and pressed a quick kiss to the corner of Caleb’s mouth, then turned the car around and pulled back into the flow of traffic.
    Not sure what was happening but trusting Luc nonetheless, Caleb reached over and threaded his fingers with Luc’s as they headed back out of the city, then pulled into a larger mall complex.
    “ Movie ,” Luc signed when he’d pulled into a space close to the building and put the sporty car in park.
    Caleb understood. This was the closest movie theater to where they’d arranged to meet. He smiled, then, unable to wait any longer, leaned in and captured Luc’s lips with his own.
    Luc smiled for a moment, then parted his lips and licked at Caleb’s tongue. Caleb hadn’t intended to take things this far so quickly, but Luc was persuasive, threading his fingers into Caleb’s short hair and tugging his face forward for more.
    They broke apart with a shared laugh when Caleb felt the knot in his stomach loosen and the tightness move to his prick instead. He pressed the heel of his hand there, and Luc grinned knowingly.
    “ I’m so pleased to see you ,” Luc signed. “ I missed you .”
    Caleb felt his mouth fall open in shock, and Luc laughed aloud.
    “ I’ve been practicing a lot ,” Luc signed.
    “ Yes. I missed you too. You look very beautiful today .”
    When Luc grinned and blushed in understanding, Caleb found himself even more impressed.
    “ Thank you. I want to be able to talk to you. Like this .”
    Caleb leaned in for another kiss, slower this time, his fingers exploring the delicate, smooth skin of Luc’s neck. His jaw and cheeks were free of stubble or evidence that he would ever develop any. Caleb had shaved close

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