How To Marry A Millionaire Vampire
humiliation for one night? “I, uh—I was unable to gain control of her mind.”
    Laszlo’s mouth dropped open.
    Gregori jolted back. “Snap! You couldn’t control one measly mortal?”
    Roman clenched his fists. “No.”
    Gregori slapped a hand against his brow. “Snap!”
    “Why the hell are you snapping? Are you a turtle?” It was times like this that firing Gregori seemed to be the wise choice.
    “It means I’m floundering in stunned disbelief. Sheesh, bro. You gotta keep up with the latest lingo.”
    Laszlo frowned, his fingers fiddling even faster with a button. “Begging your pardon, sir, but has this ever happened before?”
    “Maybe you are getting old,” Gregori suggested.
    “Screw you,” Roman growled.
    “No, no. You gotta sound more modern, bro. Try using the F-word.” Gregori paused, then his face slowly turned pink. “You, uh, were referring to me, weren’t you?”
    Roman lifted an eyebrow. “The young can be a little slow.”
    Laszlo paced across the foyer. “This is somewhat beyond my area of expertise, but it seems to me that it is highly likely that you are missing a distinct possibility.”
    They turned to stare at the small chemist.
    He licked his lips and yanked at a button. “Since Mr. Draganesti has never experienced this sort of… uh, problem before, the answer may not lie in his abilities or uh, lack thereof.” The button tumbled to the floor, and the chemist leaned over to pick it up.
    “What are you saying?” Gregori asked.
    Laszlo slid the loose button into his coat pocket. “I mean the problem may rest with the mortal.”
    “She’s extremely strong-willed,” Roman conceded, “though I’ve never known a mortal who could resist our power.”
    “I agree.” Laszlo nodded, attacking the last button on his lab coat. “But the fact remains that somehow, she did resist. There is something different about that woman.”
    There was utter silence while Laszlo’s announcement sank in. Roman had already suspected she was different, but to hear one of his smartest scientists reach the same conclusion—it was unnerving.
    “This is bad,” Gregori murmured. “Really bad. If we can’t control her, then she’s…”
    “Fascinating,” Roman whispered.
    Gregori winced. “I was going to say dangerous.”
    That, too. But even the thought of danger seemed appealing to Roman tonight. Especially when it involved Shanna.
    “We could try to find another dentist,” Laszlo suggested.
    “No.” Roman shook his head. “We have only a few hours of darkness left, and you said it yourself, Laszlo—the tooth must be fixed tonight. Gregori, take Laszlo to the nearest dental office and secure the premises. You can take his car. It’s out front. Laszlo, do what you can to save my fang. Give us thirty minutes, then call my office upstairs.”
    Laszlo’s eyes widened. “You’ll use my voice to teleport?”
    “Yes.” It would be the quickest way to get the procedure over with. But they would never be able to do it unless they had full control of Shanna’s mind and could erase her memory afterward. “Gregori, come back as soon as you can. I’ll need you and Connor to assist me with the dentist. We have to gain control of her mind.”
    “No problem.” Gregori shrugged. “At the club, I erased a hundred mortal minds all at once. This will be child’s play.”
    By the worried expression on Laszlo’s face, it was clear he didn’t share Gregori’s confidence.
    “It should work,” Roman said. “Even if she can resist the power of one vampire, she’ll be no match for the three of us.”
    While Gregori and Laszlo hurried out the front door, the words of the chemist echoed in Roman’s mind. There was something different about Shanna. What if he couldn’t gain control of her mind? She’d never agree to implant his fang as long as she believed it belonged to an animal. He’d spend the rest of eternity as a joke. The one-fanged wonder.
    And he didn’t dare tell her

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