His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3
some clothes to showcase that gorgeous body of yours.”
    A wave of unease moved through her, Brad’s words coming back to haunt her.
    I want to take my time with you. I want to see you.
    As if sensing her sudden distress, Sophie said. “He wouldn’t have slept with you if he didn’t like you, Madison.”
    “I told you it was an accident.”
    “Maybe so, but why do you think he wants to do it again…and again?”
    Because she was wild, wanton, uninhibited in bed…like the women he was used to. And surely to God, for one month, she could continue to be that woman. As long as she managed to keep him from turning on the lights when they were between the sheets. Otherwise he might just see the real Madison.
    The bell over the door jangled, and Madison was thankful for the distraction. She didn’t need another lecture on self-confidence from her friend. Lord knows she’d had enough of them over the years, and they did little to help her with her body image issues.
    Madison gestured toward the front of the bakery. “You better get out there; you have a customer.”
    “Fine, I’m going, but let me ask. Why do you think he’s sleeping with you?”
    “I don’t know. Because he likes sex?”
    Sophie pointed a finger at her. “Well, of course he likes sex, he’s a man. But he wants it with you, and you know why? It’s because he likes you.”
    What he liked was the carefree woman she was in her sleep, one without issues or hang-ups, but she didn’t want to get into that with Sophie.
    “And you never know, maybe sleeping together could lead to something more.”
    “This is just sex, Sophie. Just for one month.” Madison knew better than to hope for more. Brad had never gotten over his ex’s betrayal. It had left him bitter and resentful, unwilling to put himself out there again. Since the breakup, he went from woman to woman, bed to bed, and Madison, well, she could never be the kind of girl he was really attracted to and gravitated toward, at least not for more than thirty days.
    Sophie shrugged. “I know this couple who started sleeping…”
    Sophie’s voice fell off at the sound of Brad’s heavy boots hitting the bottom step. Their conversation died an abrupt death when they both turned to see him coming their way. As if sensing he was interrupting them, his glance tennis balled between the two of them.
    “Everything okay?” he asked.
    “Yeah, Sophie was just about to head back to the counter and I’m getting ready to decorate these cakes.”
    Brad nodded, then focused on Madison, his eyes serious. “Do you have a second?”
    “Yeah, why, what’s up?”
    As soon as the question left her mouth, Sophie snickered, and asked, “Yeah, what’s up, Brad?” Jesus, Madison was going to kill her friend when she got her alone.
    He gestured overhead. “There’s something I want to show you.”
    “I just bet there is,” Sophie whispered before disappearing down the hall.
    Holy Christ!
    Brad took one look at Madison and damn near swallowed his tongue. He hadn’t seen her since earlier that afternoon, when he’d taken her upstairs to point out all the pipes in need of repair, and what he was seeing now rocked his world and completely threw him off kilter.
    Standing outside Jonah’s room, Brad leaned against the doorjamb and drove his hands into his pockets as she exited her bedroom. With a strange, almost apprehensive look on her face, she took a tentative step toward him, her palms flitting nervously over the black dress that accentuated her curves and had his cock rising to the occasion. Since she usually walked around in baggy clothes that hid her beautiful body, yet still inspired his imagination, it surprised him to see her in something so sexy, so revealing. Something that aroused his hunger and brought out another emotion in him, one he never wanted to feel again.
    He drove his hands deeper into his pockets in an attempt to shift his cock and wrestle it into submission, but when he caught

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