His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3
like his kid brother’s friend.”
    “Well, to be honest, it was kind of an accident.”
    “An accident?” Sophie scoffed. “What, did he fall on top of you and his penis accidently slid in or something?”
    Madison grinned and then felt herself warm all over when she remembered their collision in the bathroom. Her mind momentarily drifted, reliving the feel of his strong, calloused hands on her back, holding her tight as she squirmed on top of him. She swallowed, her skin tightening all over, the hairs on her arms standing on end, charging with enough volatile electricity to run her bake ovens for days on end.
    “There you go again,” Sophie said. “You’re giving off sparks. Keep it up and you’re going to set this place on fire.”
    “I just… I can’t…”
    “What you can’t do is stop grinning.”
    “I know I should, but I really can’t make myself stop.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “It was, oh God, it was amazing.”
    “Oh, believe me I can tell,” Sophie said. “But what I want to know is how this accident happened?”
    Madison quickly relayed the details, telling her friend about their sleeping arrangements, the cold medications, the beer Brad had chased the pills with, and how he’d become disoriented and accidently crawled into his bed.
    Sophie threw her hands up in the air. “Now why can’t I ever have an accident like that? Mine usually involve fiberglass casts and broken bones.” Her eyes sparkled. “Speaking of bones…”
    “Sophie,” Madison admonished with a laugh, not about to give away too many details.
    “Fine.” She exhaled slowly and continued to probe. “At least tell me what happened after you both woke up and realized it wasn’t a dream?”
    “We were mortified at first, naturally, but after we talked about it, we decided that for the next month, we’d continue to have sex.” Madison shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”
    “From the color in your cheeks, I’m guessing it was a big deal.”
    Madison couldn’t help but laugh, because Sophie was right, it was a big deal, in more ways than one.
    Sophie curled up one lip and planted her hands on her hips. “But why only one month? Why not until…whatever. Why the time limit? Does his dick turn into a pumpkin after thirty days or something? ”
    “Because,” Madison began, “he’s joining a convoy next month, and well…” She let her words fall off, not wanting to talk about the real reason she couldn’t go past one month. But when Sophie frowned, Madison knew she could never keep anything from her friend, and it had nothing to do with the psychology degree Sophie was working on either. It was because back in the day, Sophie had always used a tender hand to dry the tears when the bullies struck. And Jonah, well, Jonah never used a gentle hand when he stood up for her.
    “Madison, come on,” Sophie said. “You’re beautiful. Any guy would want you.”
    “Well, I don’t know about that, but we’re going on a date tonight,” she said, hoping to change the subject.
    “A date huh? Where is he taking you?”
    “Beats me. It could be Chuck E. Cheese’s for all I know.”
    “I somehow doubt it. He strikes me as a guy who knows how to take care of his woman.”
    Unable to wipe the silly grin off her face, Madison smiled, remembering all the delicious way he’d taken care of her last night.
    Sophie pursed her lips and glanced at Madison’s work clothes. “What are you going to wear?”
    Madison quickly sobered and bit the inside of her cheek. When she wasn’t in comfy clothes, she was in business suits, which hardly seemed suitable for a date with Brad, especially if they did end up at Chuck E. Cheese. “I was thinking maybe you’d help me with that. Brad dates certain types of women and for the next month I’ll need…”
    Sophie’s eyes lit. “I know exactly what you need. There’s a nice boutique that opened just around the corner. Let’s hit it after the lunch crowd dies down and find

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