A Baby for My Military Stepbrother 3

Free A Baby for My Military Stepbrother 3 by Cassandra Zara

Book: A Baby for My Military Stepbrother 3 by Cassandra Zara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Zara
About The Book
    “S hhh,” he whispered, thrusting deep just to make me moan again. “Mom and Dad will hear you. You don't want them to catch us...”
    After finding out that I had been a virgin, my stepbrother Ian pushed me away. Locking himself in the shower and refusing to talk to me about what we had just done, he was determined to end things between us. There was only one thing I could think of to do to set things right.
    I went out in the storm.
    My relationship with Ian wasn't the only thing in jeopardy when a tree fell, blocking my path home. However, Ian managed to show up at just the right time and be my hero again. And it turned out that the fiery passion between us could not be put out by the rain alone. Even after our parents came back, we continued to push our taboo relationship to the limits, knowing that Ian had only days left until a Tour of Duty with the army.
    Everything should have been perfect... but then someone that I never expected showed up. Would Ian push me away again, just when I was sure that I had the gift that he always wanted... a baby?
    I an's eyes followed the curves of my body, growing darker with every moment. I could feel his need to have me, to take me as his, with just the heat of his gaze. No one had ever looked at me so lustfully, so eagerly. I had never thought of myself as beautiful, but when Ian looked at me like that, I felt like a divine goddess.
    He quickly pulled his shirt up and over his head in the way only really hot guys could. I loved watching his biceps ripple with the motion, his pectorals tighten, and his abs harden. His arms were so well muscled from years of Army drills and workouts, I couldn't imagine him without them.
    I kicked off my shoes, flinging them towards the door where they landed with a loud clunk. Ian gave me a disapproving look, but said nothing. He stepped closer again, looming over me with his strength and masculinity.
    “God, you're beautiful,” he whispered reverently, tracing the bare curve of my shoulder down my arm with his finger. The feather-soft touch made me shiver and he grinned.
    My body ached to feel him, to have him fill me with his life-giving seed. I reached my hands up, bringing his handsome face to mine for a kiss. I drank him in like oxygen. His taste and masculine sell filled my senses and drew forth a carnal need.
    I rocked my naked hips against his shorts, feeling the growing erection pushing back. I shivered with pure desire. He put his hands on my hips and pushed me backwards to fall onto the bed. I fought him at first and he gave me a stern look. Ian liked to be in charge.
    I grinned, reaching up behind me and unfastening my bra strap. I watched his eyes go wide as I tossed the bra to the floor with the rest of my clothes and stood in front of him completely naked. Then, I jumped backward, kicking my legs out into a freefall to land with a satisfying bounce on his bed.
    “You are such a child sometimes,” Ian said, shaking his head, but he looked pleased.
    “You like it,” I retorted, arching my back and displaying myself for his pleasure. He groaned slightly and pushed his pants down. His erection was huge and massive. I had to wonder how he ever managed to fit in me at all.
    “Yes, yes I do,” he whispered, crawling up onto the bed toward me. “Now, hush, or Mom and Dad will hear us.”
    I giggled, loving the naughtiness of it all. It was all the longing of high school without the unnecessary drama. It was going to be a struggle for me to be quiet, Ian knew how to make me moan, but I was going to try...
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Previously in this Series
    I n Part 1, I had to be rescued by my stepbrother, Ian. Just as he had done in high school, he seemed to scold me for my life choices while not taking any responsibility for his own. And why should he? Hero of multiple tours of duty in the army, it was

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