The Wrong Highland Bridegroom: A Novella

Free The Wrong Highland Bridegroom: A Novella by Amanda Forester

Book: The Wrong Highland Bridegroom: A Novella by Amanda Forester Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Forester
toward him and Connor slowly raised his hand to stroke the silky nose.
    A cheer from the crowd spooked the horse, and he jumped up and ran again.
    The herald called for Sir Connor Maclachlan and Effie slid to the edge of her seat in anticipation. There were experienced riders here and Effie feared he was out of his league. Connor may be great at many things, but she doubted jousting was one of them.
    The other rider was in the starting position, but there was no sign of Connor. The crowd stilled. Would Sir Connor forfeit the joust?
    Several shrieks and a commotion stirred the crowd, and suddenly Connor was dashing down the field on the fastest horse she had ever seen. The other jouster leaped forward, but Connor lowered his lance and blasted the other rider from his horse. Connor also was rocked back, but managed to remain in the saddle.
    He was not, however, able to stop the horse at the end of the course, and instead, he and the large horse jumped a rail and were gone.
    It took a moment before the stunned crowd began to cheer.
    “What was Connor riding?” asked Effie when the shock had worn off sufficiently to find speech.
    “If he is astride Grendel, the demon horse, then he is a braver man than I,” said David, shaking his head.
    “Demon horse?” asked Effie. She had asked Connor to win, but she hoped he would not injure himself.
    Another joust ensued and then Sir Connor was again called by the herald to take his mark. This time the crowd whispered in anticipation and cheered when he vaulted over the rail and raced for his opponent. The other horse stopped in fear and reared up, unhorsing the rider without Connor ever lowering his lance.
    Once again Connor and the demon horse refused to stop at the end of the list and jumped over the rail and kept going despite multiple grooms attempting to stop the beast.
    The herald walked to the tree of shields, where the colorful shields of the opponent knights were hung and the winning shield moved up the tree. Two shields were moved higher. It was down to Connor and Malcolm.
    Effie knew it would come to this. She knew it. The crowd must have been wise to their secret animosity because they cheered wildly. A joust was more fun when the opponents wanted to kill each other.
    Malcolm prepared himself in the lists. He would not be easily taken down or easily beat. The judge gave the signal that the joust could commence, and Malcolm spurred his horse and galloped down the list.
    “What is he doing? Connor isna even there yet.” Effie leaned forward to see.
    “If he reaches the other side and Connor is not there, then Connor is a forfeit. Malcolm would win,” said Isabelle, leaning forward herself.
    “That’s unfair,” cried Effie.
    The crowd agreed with her and began to boo. In a flash, Connor burst into the lists before Malcolm reached the other side. Malcolm was ready and struck Connor squarely on his shield. Connor did not even have time to lower his lance.
    The horse once again ran through the lists and out the other side. Could he get his mount back in position in time?
    “Careful of your gown,” chastised Isabelle.
    Effie realized she was clutching her skirts. She let go and smoothed the fabric, but a moment later she was on her feet screaming at the stable lads to get Grendel back into the lists. “Grab his head! Dinna let him go!”
    But the horse did go, up and over the rails. Connor stood up in the stirrups and pulled hard. The horse reared up and spun, nearly sending him to the ground. Connor held on and regained control of the animal.
    “Mighty fine riding,” commented David. “I’ve rarely seen the like.”
    Effie could only agree. She leaned on the railing of the stands and cheered him on, all thoughts of being the neutral Maid Marian forgotten.
    Connor spurred him on and the beast sped down the list like one possessed. Malcolm sped toward him with more control. With a clash they passed each other. Connor missed, but Malcolm struck Connor’s

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