Maiden Flight
of pale wheat and his eyes a sparkling turquoise blue that crinkled at the corners when he smiled. His smile, when it appeared, was open, generous and surprisingly kind, though it seemed he was a quiet man by nature.
    Belora took one look at him and had to fight the odd feeling in the depths of her womb. Was it right to be so attracted to a man after pledging your life to another? She wasn’t sure, but she found it impossible not to notice the tingle in her skin when he took her hand in the moves of the dances they were teaching her. She caught his eyes twinkling at her at times with an odd sort of speculation and a definite masculine appreciation that fairly took her breath away.
    She thought she intercepted a look or two between the men that made her loins burn. When she caught Gareth’s eye he was wholly approving of her, encouraging her to learn the more intricate steps of the progressively harder dances they showed her. By the time they moved on to the “mating dance”
    that would culminate the feast in their honor, her blood was sizzling with desire and the two men were more than familiar with the feel of her body under their guiding hands. It was an amazing feeling.

    “Let’s take a short break before we begin the next one.”
    Gareth moved over to a small side table where a jug of wine and several earthen cups stood. He poured for each of them and served with good grace as Lars helped Belora to sit on the pretty, warm bricks that edged Kelvan’s wallow. They had shown her about five different dances, each one progressively harder. They involved a bit more touching than she was used to, but touching two such handsome men was no hardship, she thought with an inward grin.
    “Will I be expected to dance with other people?” she asked over the rim of her wine cup as Gareth sat down beside her.
    “No. Just us. Lars is our third since he and Rohtina will be joining our family.”
    “I think Kelvan and Tina will enjoy the larger quarters. I went by there today and it’s nicely placed.” Lars sat beside them and gazed over the warm sands of the smaller sized wallow. When his dragon partner and Kelvan mated, they would require a much larger space to share.
    “I’m going to start moving my stuff over tomorrow. How about you?”
    Gareth moved closer to her, pulling her back against his chest as his free arm tucked around her waist. She was surprised by the intimate move, but neither man seemed to think anything of it, so after a few moments, she relaxed back against him.
    “I figured I’d do the same. Tina has some stuff she’s collected over the years that she wants me to shift for her. Little sparkly stones and bits she’s found in her journeys.”
    “Women of every species like their gems.” Gareth and Lars chuckled but Belora gasped as Gareth’s large hand moved up to cup her breast. She couldn’t believe he would fondle her in front of his friend, regardless of whether or not they were becoming some sort of family. She stiffened and would have pulled away, but Lars took her hand in his surprisingly gentle grasp and held her eyes.
    “Don’t be embarrassed. It is our way to be free amongst our family. I’ve accepted that I will never find a woman as Gareth has found you. Let me share in what you have together, at least in this way for now.”
    “I’m not used to this. Your ways are very strange to me.” She settled back against Gareth with a little trembling in her limbs, but didn’t object further as his hand moved down inside the V of her blouse to cup her bare breast and flick the nipple so it stood out against the soft fabric. She knew Lars could see it clearly as his eyes dipped to focus on her nipples, blossoming under Gareth’s skillful touch.
    “I know, love, but this will be your home now. I hope you’ll try to adjust to our ways.” Gareth dipped to kiss her neck as he spoke softly next to her ear. “I won’t rush you, but I need you to be open to new experiences. Can you do that

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