Maiden Flight
for me? For us all?”
    His hand squeezed her nipple hard and she felt little tremors of excitement course through her womb. She found she liked the hot flash of Lars’ turquoise eyes as he licked his firm lips, his eyes glued to Gareth’s manipulations under her shirt. It was definitely a new experience, but she found she wasn’t afraid. She trusted Gareth with her very life. It was little stretch to trust him with her pleasure. He would never hurt her or make her do anything she didn’t want to do. She knew that in her soul and it allowed her to let go and let him lead their pleasure.
    She nodded as he moved his hand out of her blouse and turned her in his arms to face her. His eyes held hers and sought her answer.
    “I trust you and I’ll try.”
    A broad smile spread across his lips before they claimed hers in a deep, happy kiss. He lingered over her lips before turning her once more in his arms. Lars had moved closer while they kissed and now he was only inches from her aroused body. Gareth pushed her gently toward his friend, encouraging her with his voice.
    “Kiss Lars, sweet. Let him know there are no hard feelings. Welcome him to our family and let him know just a tiny bit of what we share.”
    She looked back at him questioningly, but his eyes were encouraging and his hands open, willing to let her decide whether she would go through with his suggestion or not. It was the freedom to choose that made her move forward. A kiss was a small thing, after all, and it was not like it was any kind of hardship to share a kiss with such a handsome and kind man. She turned back and smiled at Lars as she moved into his strong arms.
    He clasped her against his chest and moved his head down, his turquoise eyes dazzling her as he drew closer, oh, so slowly. When his firm lips met hers, her eyes shut in self-defense as his scent, his feel, and his amazingly gentle touch flooded her senses with warmth. His lips caressed hers for a long moment before his tongue sought entrance, taking the kiss deeper. She was surprised, but more than willing, swept up in the passion of the man and the moment.
    Lars kissed like a dream. Gentle as only a very strong man can be, he tempered his strength with a deep passion that she could feel as his muscular arms trembled the tiniest bit. He made a small, inarticulate sound of pleasure as she wrapped her arms around him. It spurred her on and she answered the sweeping intimacies of his tongue in her mouth with her own daring forays into his warmth. She felt hot all over and realized vaguely that Gareth had moved up behind them, enclosing her between the two men. His hands teased her nipples and stoked her fire.
    When at long last the kiss broke, all three were panting. Belora shot shocked eyes up to Lars and was greeted with a stunned smile.
    “You are beautiful, milady, and much too good for a scoundrel like Gareth. I wish I had met you first.”
    She laughed and the tension of the moment was broken. She realized that while Gareth had been palming her breasts, Lars’ hands were up under her skirts, skimming her legs. They now rested on her thighs, his fingers dangerously close to the juncture that fairly wept with arousal.
    “In the mating dance, you will be expected to kiss us both and we will both handle your body in ever more intimate ways — lifting you up in our arms, twirling you around, touching you all over. You must give over control to us completely.” Gareth’s breath pulsed against her ear and made her shiver. “Can you handle it?” He spoke it like a dare.
    “I can handle it, but will everyone be watching?”

    Lars nodded. “The mated pairs will be dancing with us, but the single knights will certainly enjoy the show, dreaming of the day they find their own mate and are able to claim her before the entire enclave. It’s a rite of passage and something we do to solidify our families and share our pleasure with our fellows. It’s important.”
    The earnestness of his words

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