Mated To The Dragon Of Manhattan (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1)

Free Mated To The Dragon Of Manhattan (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1) by Amira Rain

Book: Mated To The Dragon Of Manhattan (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1) by Amira Rain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amira Rain
spreading my feet very far. And he was now slowly thrusting his granite-hard rod between my thighs and slick feminine lips, dragging the considerable length of it across my sensitive feminine bud, which was aching and throbbing. The sensation of being pleasured in this fashion while still having my hands pinned up on the wall, was almost more than I could take. Though I didn't want it to end.
    Between moans, I somehow managed to form words. "Don't stop. Don't stop doing that. Please."
    He didn't. He continued thrusting his beyond-stiffened shaft between my slick thighs slowly, grunting with each movement. And soon, I was moaning nearly non-stop, feeling every ridge and vein on his long, thick manhood.
    Knowing I was quickly approaching climax, I glanced back at him, suddenly desperate to feel him actually inside of me. "I want to feel you deep inside me now. Please, Truman."
    Seeming as if he might have been just waiting for this request, he immediately released my wrists, gripped my hips with one hand, and guided the head of his shaft to my feminine entrance with the other. Bracing my hands on the wall, I jutted my rear out a little further, panting. He slid into me with a groan, filling me so completely and totally that I gasped, the sound tapering off into a deep sigh of pleasure.
    After pausing for a few moments, allowing me to get used to the size of him, I presumed, he gripped my hips and began thrusting in and out of my slickness with deep, hard strokes, grunting. I knew I wasn't going to last long, and I didn't. After maybe only a few minutes, Truman suddenly increased his pace, growling, and I felt myself fall over the edge. My climax crashed over me in wave after wave of intense pleasure and release, and I pressed my forehead into the wall while moving my hips back to meet Truman's every thrust. The sound coming out of my mouth was something between a strangled cry and a moan. Truman's pleasure also peaked around the same time as mine, and when we were both completely spent, he turned me to face him and took me in his arms.
    "You beautiful, gorgeous creature. You're so don't even have a clue how much so."
    I rested my face against his hard chest, just trying to catch my breath, while he planted kisses all over the top of my head and forehead.
    We made love twice more that evening, and each time, Truman drove me to heights of pleasure I'd never even dreamed were imaginable. Dragon shifters seemed to possess remarkable sexual potency and stamina. Or, at least, Truman sure did.
    It was well past midnight by the time we finally rested in an embrace, both of us seeming to be drifting off to sleep after having enjoyed a long shower together.
    While smoothing my hair with one of his large, strong hands, Truman whispered near my ear. "I came here tonight to tell you that I think I'm falling in love with you. But now, I can officially say that I've fallen , past tense. And fallen, head over heels. "
    I smiled in the dark, snuggling even closer to him. "I'm glad to hear that. Because I can say the exact same thing. I've fallen head over heels for you, too. I can also say that I'm feeling a lot less crabby than when you first came over."
    He chuckled and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Oh, same here. Trust me on this."
    We soon fell asleep, and I enjoyed more rest that night than I had in the previous couple of days combined.
    But when I awoke around eight in the morning, Truman wasn't in bed beside me. I threw on some clothes and headed out to the kitchen to see if he was maybe just having breakfast, but he wasn't. I'd just gone out to look for him in the living room when he came striding into the apartment, raking a hand through his thick, dark hair.
    "We need to talk. And right away."

    Truman sat me down on the plush, sun-dappled living room sofa and took my hands, frowning. "I'll cut right to the chase. I've met with my

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