Unlucky Charms (The Cold Cereal Saga)

Free Unlucky Charms (The Cold Cereal Saga) by Adam Rex

Book: Unlucky Charms (The Cold Cereal Saga) by Adam Rex Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Rex
Tags: Speculative Fiction, Ages 11+
said, slapping the floor. ‘Aye’m tapping owt!’
    “‘Worthless,’ grumbled Nim. ‘Clara! Tom-Tom! Marty! Go!’
    “Fray came around the golden tower, calling forth some new spell from the ether, but now her own giants blocked her sight. The three of them surrounded me, but like the pixie heroes of old, I confounded them. Three giants hunting the same pixie could only get in each other’s way. They struck heads, crossed arms. I sliced one in the toe, and he was compelled to tackle another, while the third searched for me among their flailing limbs. But then I made my great error and saw nothing protecting me from Fray’s mischief. She spoke, and I was blinded by light, and a moment later I could see but could not move.
    “Again, some piercing voice called out from above.
    “‘There,’ said Fray. ‘By the Spirit, you’re a clever mouse. I see why she likes you.’
    “Fray stepped aboard Nim’s hand and disembarked again after he’d brought her only inches from my face. To say that I strained with every muscle against Fray’s enchantment would be a lie. I could not do even that. Only my mind raged against its cage.
    “‘Wonderful thing, this magic,’ said Fray. ‘I wish you could see yourself. It’s like the thinnest coat of glass. You needn’t eat, or drink, or even breathe. You’ll never die. But you’ll never move again either, so here’s hoping you end up someplace with a view.’

    “She circled around me and was joined again by her giants.
    “‘This world is truly dying,’ she whispered in my ear. ‘I know I’ve said that before. And when I said it before, all the kingdom turned against me. Suddenly all my useful little spells, the magic arts that enchanted your own sword and shield , branded me a witch. Well, now—here’s good news: I’m going to send you to a place without magic. A tedious groan of a place. You were so good with my giants, so I will send you to a world of giants.’
    “‘Mother,’ said Morenwyn behind her.
    “‘Daughter.’ Fray turned and answered. ‘You’ve been attracting flies again. Look at this dirty little thing I’ve caught.’
    “‘Mother, I think he’s different.’
    “‘Oh, they’re all different. Our differences make us special, darling—I think I saw an embroidered pillow once to that effect.’
    “‘I’ll deal with Fi,’ said Morenwyn. ‘Please. Leave me with him.’
    “‘We can’t let him go, Morenwyn. If he told the elves—’
    “‘Why would he tell the elves?’
    “‘Morenwyn,’ the witch said flatly. ‘You know what’s at stake.’
    “I thought they both might have looked across to the tapestry then. It was hard to say. Morenwyn sighed.
    “‘I will do what needs to be done,’ she said. ‘But I will do it.’
    “‘Fine. Good. I’ll leave Nim to help you.’
    “And Fray and the other giants did leave us then. Morenwyn stood before me. I would have bowed if I could.
    “‘You always stood out, Fi,’ she said. ‘Even at your father’s court, even when you were all stumbling over one another to impress me with your contests. I could tell you let Fee win sometimes.’
    “I could neither confirm nor deny this at the time, though in the interest of accuracy I’ll admit it’s true.
    “‘Of course you know that Fee was here just before you. He didn’t ask me if I wanted a champion. He had me three-quarters rescued before he even asked me how I was doing.’
    “I smiled then, in my mind.
    “‘I was never kidnapped. I liked neither the warp nor weft of the future they were weaving me at court, so I sent for my mother. I tried to tell Fee this. Then Mother caught Fee, and she brought him here.’ Morenwyn strode briskly toward one wall, and Nim lifted me up and followed. Where she stopped there was a low stone stall, a pixie-sized stall, jutting out from the wall, and an octagon traced in chalk. She seemed to be taking some care not to get too close. ‘All of your brothers were brought here. Did Mother tell

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