A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House)

Free A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House) by Jaime Reese

Book: A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House) by Jaime Reese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaime Reese
Tags: Romance, Gay, Contemporary, Mystery
    Cameron shook his head. He sure as hell didn't need a fifteen minute break of doing nothing other than thinking about those piercing silver eyes. Fuck .
    "I'm going to be out back cooling the new batch. If you change your mind, just come get me, okay?"
    Cam nodded and finished working the heart design for the thin blonde in the green business suit. Lucy delivered the coffee order to the customer before disappearing to the back.
    Cameron closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He had survived the extra busy morning crowd and typical lunchtime rush without any issues or obstacles. If Hunter hadn't shown up by now, then he probably wasn't going to come in today, and he'd just have to deal with not seeing him for yet another day.
    "Cam, register please," Bill called over from the sandwich station.
    He took a deep cleansing breath. He had a job to do. It was no one's fault he was lusting for a guy who might or might not be gay. He started to walk over to the register and stopped.
    There, standing at the register with his head down, talking on the phone, dressed to kill in a dark blue suit and blue-gray tie. Cam inhaled deeply and tried to calm his breathing. Damn, the man looked good.
    "They panicked after yesterday's testimony and walked in today wanting to cut a deal. I'll finish up the paperwork when I get in," Cameron heard him say into the phone. "No, don't reschedule anything, I'll just use the time to prep for the other cases. I'll see you in a bit, if anything comes up, just text me."
    Cam walked to the register as Hunter closed and pocketed his phone.
    Hunter looked up and half smiled. "Hi."
    Cameron was mesmerized by those silver eyes. The slight ease at seeing Hunter warred with the sexual tension at being near him.
    Hunter arched an eyebrow.
    Cam realized he hadn't responded. Shit . "How can I help you, sir?"
    Color rushed to Hunter's face as he looked away. Damn, he liked knowing he could unsettle this man with a simple word.
    "Turkey sandwich, cookie, and one of your lattes please," he mumbled.
    "You a lawyer?" Cam asked.
    "Yes," Hunter responded, making eye contact again.
    Cam stood there and assessed him, uncertain if Hunter being an attorney should concern him. He didn't cause Cameron to put up his guard or get the vibe that Hunter could easily be bought or swayed by others.
    "Does that bother you?"
    "I'm trying to figure out if you're one of the good guys or bad guys," he said candidly.
    "I promise I'm one of the good ones," Hunter said softly with a tired smile.
    Cam nodded. One thing he had learned in the last ten years was to trust his gut. "Chocolate chip or macadamia?"
    "Chocolate chip."
    Cameron went to the back and returned with a chocolate chip cookie in a bag.
    "Is Cam short for Cameron?"
    "Have you worked on any other designs today?"
    "A leaf looking thing called a rosette. Are you gay?" Cameron froze the moment the question escaped his mouth. He was so preoccupied with the rapid-fire questions and answers he didn't realize the one question his brain kept asking should have remained quiet.
    His heart pounded against his ribcage and his chest tightened. Now that the question was out of the way, he didn't know what to say or do.
    "Is that a problem?" Hunter asked.
    Cam shook his head. He rang up the rest of the order, gave Hunter his change, then went to his machine to prepare the coffee. He returned a few minutes later with a latte bearing a combo rosette heart design.
    "Nice," Hunter said with a full grin.
    "Are you going to drink it this time or stare at it?"
    "You could take a break and join me to supervise."
    Wait a minute. Is he flirting? Is Hunter flirting?
    "Cam, take your break," Bill said with a smirk, clearly overhearing the exchange.
    Cameron was dazed. He looked over to Bill then back to Hunter. He wanted to sit with him, hell, he wanted to pounce on the man and lick every inch of him. But what if he said the wrong thing or asked another question best left

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