The First Ladies of Rome: The Women Behind the Caesars

Free The First Ladies of Rome: The Women Behind the Caesars by Annelise Freisenbruch

Book: The First Ladies of Rome: The Women Behind the Caesars by Annelise Freisenbruch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annelise Freisenbruch
Tags: General, History
188, 189, 190–2, 193, 194, 195–6, 196–9, 225, 230, 238, 245
Plutarch, 21, 34, 35, 37, 230
Life of Julius Caesar , 1
Pola, 265
Polemo, King of Cilicia, 161
Pollio (Vedius Pollio), 77
Polybius, 132
Polycarpus, 185
Pompeia Plotina see Plotina
Pompeianus (Claudius Pompeianus), 213
Pompeii, 17, 22, 77, 175
Pompey, 22, 23, 42, 55, 56, 203
Pontia, 124
Popillius Theotimus, 197
Poppaea, 3, 42–3, 149–50, 153, 162, 165, 167, 181, 193
Poppaea Sabina, 131
Porsenna, 20
Porta Pia, Rome, 169
Porter, Cole, 276
Portico of Octavia, Rome, 59–60, 109
Porticus Liviae (Portico of Livia), Rome, 77, 78
Praeneste, 22
Priene, 66
Prima Porta, 31–3, 47, 50, 167
Prima Porta Augustus, 31
Prisca, 252, 254, 257
Priscus Attalus, 294
Proba, 289
Proclus, 298
Procopius, 289
Proiecta, 260
Propertius, 127
Protonike, 270
Ptolemais, 163
Ptolemies, the, 39
Publius Helvidius Pertinax, 222
Publius Suillius, 130, 131
Pucinum region, 113
Pudicitia Patricia, 77
Pudicitia Plebeia, 77
as inheritor of Helena’s role, 276–7
childhood, 291–2
strong-willed, 292
pledges herself to celibate life, 292
role in teaching Theodosius II, 293
opinions about powerful influence of, 293, 298
forges powerful identity for herself, 294
represented in imperial iconography, 298
and cult of Virgin Mary, 298
and marriage of Theodosius to Athenais (later called Eudocia), 299
role after her brother’s marriage, 304
and Nestorius, 304–5
relationship with Eudocia, 305, 307
and relics of St Stephen, 306–7
marries Marcian, 308–9
publicly acclaimed as a ‘New Helena’, 311
death, 311
brief references, 269, 301, 302, 310, 313, 314
Punic Wars, 172
Quadi, 213
Quintia, 95
Quintilian, 173, 286
Quintus Crispinus, 80–1
Quintus Dellius, 35
Quintus Hortensius see Hortensius
Quintus Hortensius Hortalis, 29
Quirinal hill, Rome, 184, 242
Rabirius, 178
Racine, Jean, 174
Bérénice , 158
Raphaneae, 241
Ravenna, 275, 285, 289, 290, 294, 296, 297, 300, 303, 305, 310, 313
Biblioteca Classense, 297
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, 275–6
St John, Basilica of, 301–2
Reagan, Nancy, 8, 85
Regium, 81
Remus, 16
Rhine, the, 83, 100, 101, 103, 109, 165, 201, 246, 285, 289
Rhodes, 78, 82
Rhône, River, 223
Rimini, 303
Robespierre, Maximilien, 155
Roma, 99
Roman Catholic Church, 183
Cleopatra’s image carried in triumphal procession in, 45
building projects during reign of Augustus, 58–60, 76–7
Tiberius returns to, 82
Germanicus celebrates military triumph in, 103
reactions to death of Germanicus in, 106
ashes of Germanicus brought to, 87
arch for Germanicus erected in, 109
Agrippina’s ashes brought to, 122
Claudius’s triumphal procession in, 127
demonstration during reign of Claudius, 140
fire during reign of Nero, 164
triumphal procession to celebrate victory in Judaea, 166, 171
Vespasian commisions buildings in, 167
fire and plague during reign of Titus, 175–6
Trajan arrives in, 191–2
Trajan’s ashes brought to, 195
Hadrian launches public relations offensive in, 197
Marcus Aurelius deals with problems in, 212
joint triumph of Marcus and Lucius in, 212
Septimius Severus accepted as emperor in, 223
anniversary celebrations for Severus, 228
Saecular Games during reign of Severus, 232
remains of Severus brought back to, 236
Domna’s remains brought back to, 240
bodies of Elagabalus and Soaemias dragged around streets of, 244
sidelined as political headquarters, 253
Maxentius establishes himself in, 257
Helena’s links with, 263–4, 272–3
Constantine visits, 264–5
sacked by Goths, 205–6, 289
Serena found guilty of betraying to barbarians, 289, 290
investiture of Valentinian III in, 301
reburial of Placidia’s son Theodosius in, 310
bodies of Placidia and Theodosius found in, 311–12
sacked by Vandals, 313
buildings, monuments and locations:
Ara Pacis, 73–4, 75
Arch of the Argentarii, 216–17, 232, 233, 237
Arch of Titus, 166
Caelian hill, 144, 206, 263
Campus Martius, 84, 199
Capitol, 232
Capitoline hill, 74, 168, 273
Capitoline Museum, 154, 263

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