The Golden Dice - A Tale of Ancient Rome
of colors, half scorched, half unscathed. Was Marcus one of the officers who ordered its erection? Did he, too, wish her dead?
    “ It could have been my cousin in the arena today.”
    Mastarna paused beside one giant wheel of the ruined tower. “But it wasn’t. And I wouldn’t let him be a victim if he’d been taken.”
    “ I’ll never understand why there have to be any victims at all!”
    “ You know why, Bellatrix. The Calu Cult is part of our religion. People are scared. They face death from Romans in this world, and then the torments of demons in the Beyond. Why wouldn’t they seek salvation?”
    “ I don’t believe killing humans can help make you immortal. No matter what priests like Artile say.”
    Mastarna cracked off a piece of burned wood. “Neither do I, but my brother and his colleagues peddle dread. What do you expect me to do? His power grows greater with each year the war continues.” He crumbled the charred chunk, letting it trickle through his fingers, leaving a scattering of charcoal upon the white.
    “ It went too far this time. Dead men lashed to the living? It was more than a holy rite; it was vengeance.”
    He broke off another piece of wood and flung it towards the forest. His tone was deliberate. Each word clipped. “I’ve seen worse in battle.”
    She studied his face. The scar that ran from nose to lip, the shadow stippling his jaw line, his eyes that could be flinty. It scared her to think what deeds Vel performed in combat. There was a coldness to him. Expected of him.
    “ But this wasn’t a battle.” Stubbornness had always been her flaw.
    “ You must not expect pity for prisoners of war,” he snapped. “Especially when they could have been the very men who killed those whose funerals we attended.”
    “ But blinded men brought down like hinds in a hunt? I can’t bear it.”
    Mastarna placed his hands on her shoulders. “And do you think Roman soldiers are always honorable, Bellatrix? I’ve seen their savagery in the aftermath of combat. They would rape and torture our women and children if they breached Veii’s walls. There is good reason why we’re fighting so fiercely to protect this city.”
    She fell silent knowing he would not lie about the ruthlessness of Rome. Yet her lack of response seemed to provoke him.
    “ And they are no better with the soldiers they defeat,” he continued. “They defile the dead, mutilate the wounded. Your people can be as merciless as the Rasenna. And they are relentless. How much longer do you think we can endure this constant siege? Our farmlands are ravaged. We must wait until winter to replenish our corn supplies. It’s no wonder Kurvenas wants to destroy Rome. Or that other high councillors believe there is merit in such a tactic.”
    Caecilia was stunned. Finally he had broken his silence. All this time she thought his surliness was because he was railing against his peers. Now she realized he’d been reluctant to tell her that he believed Veii should march on Rome.
    She shrugged him away, clenching her fingers. “What are you saying, Vel? That Kurvenas is right? That Rome should be razed? You refer to the Romans as my people when I thought you considered me Rasennan! You know I’ve always believed Veientanes should defend themselves. But this talk of conquering Rome is different. And there is danger in the strategy. What happens if Veii fails?”
    He raked his fingers through his hair. “Can’t you see I’m torn over this? And worried about challenging you? I’m exhausted from weighing advantage and disadvantage.”
    She stared at him, still angry he had kept this from her. Did he no longer trust her?
    Mastarna reached for her but she tensed at his touch. He stiffened at the rebuff.
    Needing to be alone, she ducked into the hulk of the blackened tower. It was gloomy inside, the acrid smell from the scorched pelts stronger. Mastarna remained outside with a familiar brooding look.
    She gazed up through the inside of the

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