Tracking Trisha

Free Tracking Trisha by S. E. Smith

Book: Tracking Trisha by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
would be too happy if he told him it had been destroyed again. Kelan dropped the cover to the floor of the corridor and went to work on the wiring. From the sparks he was getting, he had a feeling the females destroyed the inside panel like they did in their living quarters. Kelan reached for the manual override bar and began pumping it open just far enough so he could get his hands into the crack that opened. Straining, he slowly pulled the doorway open far enough for one of the warriors to stick a metal bar into it to keep it opened. Kelan stepped through the opening and sighed heavily. Yes, he thought in resignation, tying them up was beginning to sound pretty damn good.

    Kelan just stood looking at the situation before him wondering what in the hell to do next. His mate was banishing his shaving knife at Tulex who was standing at the transporter console looking at her with a combination of amusement and lust, the crazy female who had a tendency to hurt all of his warriors was poking a knife in to Burj ’s throat, and the other crazy one w as swinging a piece of a broken chair at the other three warriors while begging them to ‘take a piece of me’ . Kelan ran his hands through his hair, threw back his head and roared out his frustration.

    “Enough!” Kelan growled out, staring at the three females.

    Normally when Kelan growled, roared, glared, or showed any signs of losing his tightly controlled self-discipline, the warriors and more than a few of his enemies were smart enough to run in the opposite direction. Why he ever thought these females would react the same way was beyond him. They just looked at him like he was the one with the problem and raised their eyebrows before turning back and threatening his warriors again. He really needed to kill his older brother for landing on that stupid planet, or at the very least, beat the shit out of him. As he gazed at his mate, h e grudgingly admit ted she looked beautiful pointing that knife at Tulex . Though, Kelan admitted to himself, if Tulex didn't quit looking at Trisha with lust in his eyes , he might gladly gut the bastard for her.

    “What is going on?” Kelan asked with a resigned sigh.

    “The females are demanding we transport them back down to their planet. I have tried to explain to them we left it three days ago and are not even near their galaxy anymore.” Tulex said wincing as Trisha jabbed him with the point of the shaving knife.

    “And I told you to take us back!” Trisha said angrily. “I have to go home.”

    Kelan crossed his arms and looked sternly at Trisha then the others. “There will be no going home for any of you. This is your home now.”

    Burj made a distressed noise when Carmen tightened the knife at his throat. “Commander, I don’t think they like that answer.” He choked out as a thin line of blood trickled from the small cut on his neck.

    “Oh, quit being a big baby. I didn’t mean to cut you.” Carmen muttered under her breath. “If I had meant too, you would be dead.”

    Trisha looked at Kelan, really looked at him for the first time. “You are the commander of this ship?” She asked hesitantly.

    “Yes, my name is Kelan Reykill. I am the commander of the V’ager . Now, will you please quit threatening my men and return to my living quarters? We can discuss this in a much less destructive way.” Kelan said gently. She really was beautiful standing there biting her bottom lip and looking at him with a vexed expression on her face.

    Trisha paused for a moment before replying. “No.” Trisha said firmly, turning back to Tulex and poking him again. “I want to go home. Now! Since you are the commander, you can tell him to turn this thing around and take us home.” Trisha said in a firm, determined voice.

    “We all want to go home right now.” Carmen gritted out. “You had no right to take us away from our planet without our permission.”

    Kelan turned to look at Carmen before he addressed her coolly.

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