A Scot Like You (The MacLarens of Balmorie, 2)
beautiful woman," Ian admitted. "Has had a rough few months."
    Finished, Dev stood. "Her business, not mine."
    "Didn't seem that way this morning."
    Dev rolled his eyes and went to rinse his plate in the sink. Ian's chair scraped over the stone, but Dev didn't look. He was done with the conversation. Ian's hand landed on his shoulder. "She'll be gone soon. Out of your hair. Who knows, maybe she'll find a good guy. Bring him to the wedding in a couple months. Not your business."
    "Nope," Dev said as he scrubbed the plate clean.
    Ian gave him a slight push. "You're such a liar."
    Dev turned to find Ian grinning like a damn fool. "And I'm about to mop the floor with your face."
    "Bring it on, little man." Ian darted out the kitchen door, Dev hot on his heels.
    After the lads were gone, Fran and Hamish pushed away from their eavesdropping spot along the dining room wall and smiled. "Aye, she's the one," Hamish said with certainty. "That skinny dipping . . . fate I tell ye. Couldn't have done better m'self. Gave those two a head start, I'd say."
    "I think you're right. But it doesn't sound like it's going well now. How do we get them together?"
    Hamish's eyes went narrow and his mouth grim. "Don't ye worry about that, luv. Leave it to ole Hamish."
    Fran's eyes practically twinkled as she grabbed his bearded face and kissed him. "I trust, ye, Hamish. These lads will be settled in no time."
    Hamish swatted her on the rear as she walked away. "Enjoy yer visit with our lass. Tell Sara her ole da sends his love."
    Kate woke with a pounding heart.
    Sex dream. Devin. Dear Lord.
    She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her skin tingled and her pulse pounded in all the right places, creating an unsatisfied ache that grated on her nerves. Damn it! This was the last thing she needed. The whole point of retreating to bed had been to avoid all thoughts of the big, bad Highlander. Now images of hot, sweaty sex flashed through her mind like a pornographic slide projector. "Great," she muttered, getting up, stripping, and heading for the shower.
    The cold water shocked the sexual haze right out of her, and by the time she was showering, the dream had faded into the background and she felt more like her usual self. She'd slept until eleven, which she hadn't done in years, and was starving. After making a quick sandwich, she took her lunch to the patio and admired the loch as she ate.
    The temp had to be hovering around seventy. Perfect weather. Maybe she'd go fishing or head into the village for some shopping. She still hadn't gotten anything for Gram or Riley…
    An engine echoed, growing louder with every second. Kate straightened, hoping to hell the approaching vehicle passed by.
    But it stopped. A car door opened and shut.
    Please don't let it be him.
    "Hello!" Hamish's booming voice rang out.
    Relief slid down her spine. "Back here!"
    He came around the cottage and Kate couldn't help but smile. Hamish was so full of energy and life, and happiness. He was sharp-witted, too, and she hadn't forgotten his penchant for matchmaking. "Fine day, eh?"
    "It's beautiful." She eyed him for a second, wondering why he was here. "Is this a social call or a matchmaking call?"
    Hamish burst out laughing. He held up his hands in surrender. "Already been scolded by Dev. No more matchin' for me."
    Somehow she didn't buy it. "Social call then?"
    "Of a sorts. Brought ye a gift." He turned and started walking, gesturing for her to follow him around to the truck.
    "A boat?"
    "Well, now, it's just a wee thing. Easy enough for one person ta handle. Though ye might like ta paddle around the loch some."
    "Actually, Hamish, that's not a bad idea at all." In fact, it was just what she needed. A nice relaxing day on the loch.
    "Thought so," he said with a wink. "I'll back her up to the water and get her unloaded."
    Once Hamish backed his old truck to a good spot down shore, Kate helped him slide the fiberglass boat off the bed of the truck and into the water. It was lighter

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