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Book: Ascended by Debra Ann Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Ann Miller
that. She screamed inside, angry with everyone and feeling an overwhelming sense of betrayal. She couldn’t breathe; no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to find a way out of her misery. Every time she tried to move forward, she felt as though she were kicked back to ground. I can’t get back up. Not without Carter. God, please, just let me go back!
    Gabriel had been listening to every word Lily had spoken to Vie. He was stunned by the news and wanted to run to Vie and hug her, but he couldn’t. It didn’t make any sense, and yet it made perfect sense to him. Information flooded his brain and suddenly it all started to fit perfectly together, like the pieces of a puzzle.
    O ne thing was still bothering Gabriel—one thing that just didn’t seem to fit with Lily’s confession. He knew he needed to uncover all the details about Vie’s past in order find that missing piece. All the secrets and lies were getting exposed one by one at the Gates, and Gabriel feared what finding the truth would cost all of them. But in the end, it really didn’t matter what the consequences were for those who had kept the secrets regarding Vie’s existence; Gabriel believed in the saying, “the truth shall set you free,” and it was time for Violet to be freed.
    Gabe watched Vie run when she saw the guard return to the entrance , and he knew she would be a mess. He circled around back to her chambers to look for her but she wasn’t there.
    He couldn’t afford to let her sift through the information in Lily’s confession all by herself. He continued to search for her until he finally found her in the arena, throwing blades recklessly at the mock targets. She was throwing hard and fast, propelled by her anger and grief. Gabriel approached her slowly and grabbed her arm to stop her from making another throw.
    “Let me go , Gabriel. I am not in the mood,” she warned him.
    “I can see that,” he said , smirking. “Let’s say we talk about what’s bothering you, hmm?”
    “Not interested , Gabe. Go away!” she hollered.
    “No can do. We’re a team , you and I, remember? You fall, I fall. Right now, I see a friend ready to fall. Let me catch you, Vie. Tell me what’s wrong,” he begged, hoping she would confide in him.
    “Nothing,” she insisted .
    “Oh, so that’s how it is? You want to lie to me , too, huh? Is there anyone up here anywhere who remembers what the truth is? Is there anyone who remembers the code of loyalty and trust within our brotherhood? I can accept lies from anyone, Violet,” he said. “Anyone except you.” He was angry and disappointed that she obviously felt like she couldn’t trust in him.
    “Gabriel , wait! I will tell you what’s wrong! But you must promise to keep what I say between us,” she cautioned him. “I just don’t know who I can trust anymore.”
    “You know you can always trust me , Vie. I would never betray you,” Gabe said with complete sincerity.
    Vie told him everything she knew about Restoria. They talked about the message she’d delivered while training that had led Vie to her mother. It was obvious that someone had allowed Restoria into the training group as a recruit, knowing full well who she was and why she was there.
    Someone wanted Vie to hear what Lily had to say , Gabriel thought as he listened to Vie. Vie’s voice was shrill as she relayed the number of lies she had been told by everyone, and Gabriel knew just how she was feeling.
    “Don’t worry, Vie. We’ll figure it all out together,” he promised.
    S he seemed comforted by that thought, but couldn’t help but think about what Lily had said about saving Vivian.
    “Gabe, do you think she’s right? Do you think I really have the power to save Vivian?” Vie wonder ed.
    Gabe did n’t respond right away. Instead, he looked into her violet eyes and said, “Vivian made a mistake, one that she will pay for with her soul. I don’t know if you have the power to save her or not, but what I do

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