
Free Ascended by Debra Ann Miller

Book: Ascended by Debra Ann Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Ann Miller
pointed to her head and said, “Hello…photographic!”
    “How could I forget,” Gabe smiled at Vie. “Tha t blade seems to be the key to figuring out everything right now, Vie. We have to find out where it came from and what power it holds. Are you ready?”
    “Are you kidding?” she responded with enthusiasm.
    They arrived at the arena, and Gabriel couldn’t help but notice a different Vie. She was focused and poised in a way that he’d not seen in over a month. This mission seemed to have granted her the permission she’d needed to move forward. She could not change her situation, and he finally saw her making the change within herself that was needed in order for her to continue on. She was once again the fierce warrior Gabriel had known before their mission—before she’d met Carter—disciplined, controlled, and ready to take charge of the arena and her life. Gabriel stood at the entrance of the arena and watched in awe as Vie stood front and center, ready to command her new recruits. All eyes were on her, including the proud eyes of her best friend.
    The training began and Vie saw many promising new recruits. She sat with Gabriel, critiquing each one of them and the abilities they possessed. She was impressed by one new recruit in particular, Restoria.
    Restoria was focused and poised, different from the rest somehow, her every move calculated and precise. Day after day, they watched her move with grace and speed, as smooth as a missile in flight.
    Vie decided to pull her aside to commend her on a job well done. As she approached her, she was struck by the way Restoria seemed to greet her with familiar eyes; Vie was intrigued.
    “ Have we met before?” Vie asked, feeling as though they somehow already knew one another.
    “I don’t believe we have,” was the response.
    “I’m sorry, it’s just…” Vie stopped, not quite able to explain what she felt.
    Restoria leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I have the answers you seek. Meet me at the entrance of the Gates and tell no one.”
    “What are you talking about? What answers?” Vie replied.
    “They’re watching us. Please…meet me at the Gates if you wish to get the answers.” Restoria turned away and joined the other recruits who were getting ready to leave.
    “Wait,” Vie called to her. But Restoria was gone.
    Vie ran to the hall to search for her , but it was as if she’d disappeared into thin air.
    “ Vie, what is it? What’s the matter?” Gabe asked.
    “Oh…nothing, just thought I saw someone,” Vie replied , stretching the truth. She wanted to tell him about the odd exchange but she was afraid if she did, she wouldn’t get the answers promised to her by the mysterious new recruit. She figured she could tell Gabriel about it after her meeting, but decided not to jeopardize getting whatever information Restoria had for her.
    Would Gabriel do the same? she thought, not thoroughly convinced that he would. She knew she had to avoid Gabriel for the moment because there was no way she could lie to his face, especially after what had happened between him and Camulus; Gabriel didn’t need to feel betrayed again, especially by a friend.
    Vie waited anxiously for the time to pass , then headed out for the Gates. She was almost there when she ran into Gabriel. Great , was her first thought when she saw him.
    “Where are you headed , Vie?” he asked.
    “ Ummm, nowhere in particular, just taking a walk,” she replied.
    “Can I join you?”
    “You know, Gabe, I kinda need to be alone right now, if you don’t mind,” she said.
    “Alone? Sure , Vie, no problem,” Gabriel said, surprised by her response.
    Gabriel knew something was up with Vie ; he had just watched her transform from ‘gloomy’ into ‘full speed ahead’ mode, so he wasn’t buying into her story about wanting to be alone.  Although she may have thought she was a good actress, Gabriel thought otherwise. In fact, he thought hers was the worst example of acting

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