Before It's Too Late
floor a moment and then back at Jackman. When she spoke her words were carefully constructed. “Okay, Min Li has been missing for almost thirty-six hours. We’ve checked all the hospitals so we don’t think she’s been involved in an accident and her mental state doesn’t indicate that she might kill herself. So, we currently have three main lines of enquiry. One, now that we know about the pregnancy, she still may turn up on the college campus after taking herself off somewhere to cool down. Two, her disappearance is linked to the other cases. But I think it’s far too much of a stretch to make that decision yet. Three, somebody else has taken her. I’ll get Reilly’s team to focus on the restaurant this morning,” she continued, “see what that turns up. You continue with your enquiries.” She placed her hand on the desk in front of him and leant in closer. “Keep this to yourself for the moment. I don’t want anyone chatting in the street where ears are flapping. There’s already huge speculation in the media. On Warwick Radio this morning they mentioned Min Li’s disappearance in the same breath as Ellen Readman, although they were careful not to link directly. We certainly need to make some decisions and soon.” She paused for a moment. “Let’s see what today brings. Keep me updated on any developments.”
    He nodded, expecting her to dash out of the office, off to another meeting, in her usual perfunctory manner. Instead she sat quite still and angled her head back. “There’s something else.” The pithiness in her voice hooked Jackman’s attention. “You’ve missed your last three sessions.”
    Jackman sighed inwardly. Part of the agreement for him returning to work on full duties after the car accident was that he would attend weekly counselling sessions. He’d managed to push them back to fortnightly over the last few months. He was quite aware that he’d cancelled one or two. Was it really as many as the last three? “I’ve been busy.”
    She pursed her lips. “That wasn’t the agreement.”
    Jackman rolled his eyes.
    “Quite honestly, Will, I couldn’t give a damn whether you attend or not. But I’ve got welfare on my back and I can do without it right now. They’ve arranged another session directly with the counsellor for you on Friday at 4.30pm. Just make sure you attend your session and keep your nose clean. Then we won’t need to waste time having this conversation again.” She jumped up and gathered her briefcase. “Right, I’m off. We’ll speak later.” And with that she disappeared out of the door.
    Jackman sunk back into his chair. Bloody sessions, they encroached on his life and hung over him like a permanent raincloud.
    That night, almost twelve months previous, would be forever branded on his brain. Travelling down the A46, heading back home after a party, Alice in the driving seat. He remembered it like it was yesterday – a beautiful clear night, stars illuminating the road like little cat’s eyes in the sky.
    The car came from nowhere, rounded the corner, headlights that were more like strobe lights on full beam. It swerved across the carriageway like a bumper car, there wasn’t even time to hit the horn. They felt the full force of the smash, the rumble as the car rolled over and over, lights blinked and juddered. One moment Jackman was spinning in a vortex of coloured lights, being thrust around the car. The next, nothing. He looked over at Alice. Her head was wedged between the crushed roof of the Ford Focus and the steering wheel.
    Jackman thought back to those early days and weeks after the accident. Having managed to reach across and feel the pulse in her neck, he knew Alice was alive. But despite all his insistence, they wouldn’t let him stay with her. He remembered being whipped away by the paramedics, rushed to hospital amidst loud sirens, his neck in a brace.
    It wasn’t until much later he discovered that Alice was cut from the car and raced to

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