Beautiful Oblivion

Free Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire

Book: Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie McGuire
Tags: Romance, Young Adult, new adult, dpg pyscho
“What is your obsession with
    He shrugged. “I don’t know. We watched it a lot as kids. It was something we did as brothers. It just makes me feel good, ya know?”
    “You just keep it in your car?” I asked, skeptically.
    “No, it’s at home. Maybe you can come over. Watch it with me sometime?”
    I righted my posture, creating more space between us. “I’m thinking that’s a horrible idea.”
    “Why?” he asked with his charming smile. “Don’t trust yourself alone with me?”
    “I’m alone with you right now. Not even worried about it.”
    Trenton leaned in, just a couple of inches from my face. “Is that why you just leaned away? Because you’re not worried about being close to me?”
    His warm, brown eyes fell to my lips, and his breath was the only thing I could hear until the front door swung open.
    “I told you not to mention the Dallas Cowboys. Daddy hates the Dallas Cowboys.”
    “They’re America’s football team. It’s un-American to hate the Cowboys.”
    Raegan turned on her heels, and Kody leaned back. “But you didn’t have to say that to him! Jesus!” Raegan turned to look at Trenton and me on the couch. I was leaning back, and Trenton was leaning in close.
    “Oh,” she said with a smile. “Did we interrupt?”
    “Nope,” I said, pushing Trenton away. “Not at all.”
    “Sure looks like it—” Kody began, but Raegan turned her wrath on him again.
    “Just . . . stop talking!” she yelled, and then retreated to her room, Kody following quickly behind.
    “Great. They’ll probably be fighting all night,” I said.
    “Just . . . go home!” Raegan said, slamming her bedroom door. Kody rounded the corner, looking distraught.
    “Look at the bright side,” I said. “If she didn’t like you, she wouldn’t be so upset.”
    “Her dad fights dirty,” Kody said. “I didn’t say shit until he’d been talking about Brazil for an hour. Then I tried to change the subject, and couldn’t resist.”
    Trenton laughed, and then looked at Kody. “Can you give me a ride home? We’ve had a little bit to drink.”
    Kody jingled his keys. “Yeah, man. I’m heading over here in the morning to grovel if you want to pick up your car.”
    “Sweet,” Trenton said. He stood up, ruffled my hair with his fingers, and then grabbed his keys. “See you at work tomorrow.”
    “Good night,” I said, smoothing my hair.
    “You get anywhere with her, man?” Kody said, purposefully louder than necessary.
    Trenton chuckled. “Third base.”
    “You know what I hate?” I asked. “You.”
    Trenton rushed me and turned, lying on top of me, letting his entire weight push me down. “No way. Who else can you drink Crown straight from the bottle with?”
    “Myself,” I said, grunting against his weight. I elbowed him in the ribs, and he pulled himself up by the back of the couch, awkward and dramatic.
    “Exactly. See you tomorrow, Cami.”
    When the door shut, I tried not to smile, but failed.

    T HE BOTTLE CRASHED TO THE FLOOR, AND BOTH HANK and Raegan stared down at the broken shards and splattered liquid.
    “Coors Light!”
    “Vegas Bomb!”
    “Fuck!” I said, bending down to pick it up.
    “I got it,” Gruber said, hurrying behind the bar to clean up my mess.
    Week two of my new job, and it was already beginning to wear on me. Going straight from class to Skin Deep wasn’t difficult Mondays or Tuesdays, but Wednesday through Sunday kicked my ass. Trying to keep up with studying and papers after a shift that lasted until after 2:00 AM , and then waking up for a 9:00 AM class was grueling.
    “You all right?” Hank said into my ear. “That’s the first time you’ve dropped a bottle since you learned to flip ’em.”
    “I’m fine,” I said, wiping my wet hands on the towel that was tucked into my back pocket.
    “I said Coors Light!”
    “Wait a goddamn minute!” Raegan yelled at the impatient jerk standing among forty other impatient jerks at my

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