Sold to the Trillionaires

Free Sold to the Trillionaires by Ella Mansfield

Book: Sold to the Trillionaires by Ella Mansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Mansfield
non-breeder?”  She knew it was none of her business, and she really wanted them to say no.  She hated the idea of any of her husbands with another woman, but she wanted to know.  She looked at Gunther first.
    He nodded slowly.  “I had sex with a non-breeder right after I made my first trillion.  I decided to celebrate with real sex , but it lacked emotion.”  He shrugged.  “It’s so much better with you.”
    She sighed, looking down at her hands.  She’d wanted a different answer.  She turned her attention to Leofred. 
    He shook his head.  “You’re my first.  I was never interested in men, and I couldn’t stand the smell of non-breeders, so I held out for you.”  She smiled, liking his answer much better than Gunther’s.
    She looked at Rodrigo.  “You?”
    He nodded.  “I was with a woman while I was training for the Olympics.  My country made sure that every athlete was taken care of in all ways, and that included sexually.”
    She looked at Mitchell last.  What would he say?  “Mitchell?”
    “No.  Never.  I’ve been with a couple of female androids, but never with a non-breeder.”
    She turned to Gunther.  It was his turn to ask again.  She hoped he would ask one of the other men, but she knew it wasn’t likely. 
    “Amber, truth or dare?”
    She sighed.  “Dare.”  She knew she’d regret it, but she did love it when they touched her.
    Gunther seemed to think about it.  “I dare you to lay on the edge of the hot tub with your feet dangling in and your legs spread, while we each take turns licking you.”
    She swallowed hard.  “Licking me?”  What exactly did that mean?  She climbed to the edge of the tub, and laid back, her feet still in the water, her legs spread wide.  Whatever it was, it sounded lovely.
    She lay there for less than a second before she heard splashing and felt a mouth slowly licking away at her clit.  She arched her hips up toward the mouth that was on her.  “Oh my word!  That’s wonderful!”
    A mouth latched on to each of her breasts, while a pair of fingers was shoved deep into her pussy.  She had no idea where the last man was, but she tingled in anticipation as she waited for another man to join her. 
    The fingers in her pussy rammed in and out of her while the tongue and teeth worked on her clit.  She writhed under their ministrations, quickly climaxing.  She panted her pleasure and lay back as they all moved back into the tub.  She wondered which of the men hadn’t touched her.
    She slowly slid back inside, resting her head along the back.  Leofred’s voice rang out.  “Amber, truth or dare?”
    The last dare had been so lovely, that she felt compelled to ask for another.  “Dare.”
    She held her breath, wondering what he’d ask for.  “Feeling brave?”
    She nodded slowly, hoping he wouldn’t take that as a reason to get even crazier with his dare.  “I’m tempted to make you let Gunther fuck your ass, but I won’t be that cruel yet unless you don’t do your dare right, of course.” He winked at her.  “I know!  I want you to get on your hands and knees beside the tub…we can throw a towel down to protect your skin.  And Gunther is going to fuck you hard.  As hard as he can, while you retain eye contact with me.  You can blink, but you can’t close your eyes, and you can’t look at anything else.  You have to stare into my eyes while my friend screws you silly.”
    Amber swallowed hard.  That would be weird.  She could do the reverse with no problem, because she felt more connected to Gunther, but to stare into Leofred’s eyes while Gunther was in her?  That didn’t seem right. 
    Still, she climbed out of the pool and spread the towel out.  She got onto her hands and knees on it, while Leofred sat on the ground in front of her so he was only a foot away from her staring into her eyes.  His eyepatch covered his left eye, so really she only stared into his right.
    She felt Gunther move behind

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