Protective Instinct

Free Protective Instinct by Katie Reus

Book: Protective Instinct by Katie Reus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Reus
because he was pressed against her, he was barely touching her, but because of his sheer sexual power. Feeling more than a little confused, she tentatively reached up and trailed her fingers down his chest. Which was unfortunately covered by his shirt. It was a shame to hide all the hard muscles she stroked over.
    A shudder racked him as he buried his face deeper against her neck and groaned. She felt the scrape of his canines against her skin and couldn’t help the slight moan that escaped. Her nipples tightened automatically and she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if he ran his tongue over them. At that thought, heat pooled between her legs.
    She heard the sound of scratching and realized he’d clawed the door. To restrain himself? Before she could think or react, he pulled back, leaving her feeling lost. Moving with the speed of a lethal predator, he grabbed his bag and was gone.
    Natalia’s heart raced an out of control rhythm as she stared after him, the staccato beat wild. It took a few long moments for her to be able to move again. And when she looked back at the door she saw the deep grooves he’d carved into the solid wood. What the hell had just happened between them?

Chapter 8

    Two days later

    Teresa rolled her neck once as Erin steered the SUV up to the ranch’s gate. She’d thought getting away with Ryan would end up bringing them closer together, but after that initial scare, there had been no more unusual scents—and they’d been inundated with packmates 24/7, so no private time. It had given her that distance that she’d needed in a sense. At least physically. But she still ached for him, more and more each second that passed.
    Three of their packmates had been sure they’d scented vampire, potentially more than one, so they’d changed the original plan and had multiple packmates in the cabin at all times.
    Teresa and Ryan hadn’t been near them when they’d latched onto the scents two days ago so she couldn’t be sure what they’d smelled. But she trusted her pack, especially Erin since she was an enforcer.
    Larissa jumped out of the vehicle, moving wicked fast with her vampiric speed, to unlatch the gate for them. On the drive back Ryan and Aiden had opted to ride together so he was in the vehicle behind them. Maybe it was stupid to feel hurt, but she couldn’t help feel that he’d chosen to ride with someone else. She certainly hadn’t been about to call him on it in front of everyone. It was embarrassing enough as it was that he hadn’t wanted to ride with her.
    She glanced at Erin. “Do you think…” Teresa started, then felt silly for bringing it up.
    “What?” the redhead asked.
    “It’s been months, but what if the vampires you guys scented—”
    “Are related to what happened with your sister?” Erin finished.
    Teresa blinked, feeling even dumber for not realizing that sooner. “You’ve already thought of that.”
    Erin nodded as Larissa slid back into the SUV. “Yeah. Connor’s got guards with your sisters wherever they go and has put in a call to The Brethren. They’re putting out feelers to see if any rogue vamps might be stupid and come after our people.” There was an edge to Erin’s voice, as if she relished the thought of slicing up anyone dumb enough to come after them.
    Immediately relief suffused Teresa. She was thankful someone was thinking clearer than her. Jeez. This is what a male did to her brain. “Do you know where my—”
    “Your sisters are all on the ranch now.” Erin shot her a sideways glance, a smile tugging at her lips, as she pulled into the parking structure.
    “Don’t be smug.”
    Erin’s smile grew. “It’s hard not to be when I’m so awesome.”
    “Awesome, or obnoxious?” Larissa asked from the backseat, her voice dry.
    The question made Teresa and Erin both laugh. Teresa was glad the vampire had adjusted so quickly to being part of their pack. It was amazing, really, considering how ancient she was and

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