Pushin' Buttons (Boot Knockers)

Free Pushin' Buttons (Boot Knockers) by Em Petrova

Book: Pushin' Buttons (Boot Knockers) by Em Petrova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Em Petrova
country girl at heart.”
    “It would be hard to beat that out of me. Growing up, my family didn’t own a lot of land like this.” She swept a hand over the landscape. “But we had privacy and enough land where we roamed free.”
    “Do you have a house?”
    As she thought of her apartment, she pursed her lips. It was as much of a private oasis as she could get, but she still missed the open air instead of a five-floor hike to her apartment and the constant noise of the street.
    She described her building, trying to focus on the benefits like an on-site laundry area and a pool. Hugh didn’t need to know the pool had never been in service as long as she’d lived there.
    “Sounds nice,” he said.
    She shot him a look. His T-shirt fit like a second skin, contoured to his muscles she now knew intimately. A flush stole over her face. To distract from her discomposure, she said, “Nice doesn’t sound very good.”
    He tipped his head with what appeared to be embarrassment. “Don’t take it the wrong way. It doesn’t sound a lot different from where I grew up.”
    She slowed her pace and glanced at the peaceful setting. “You didn’t grow up on a ranch like this?”
    “Oh don’t get me wrong. I’m a Texan. But I grew up on the road.” He walked slower yet but didn’t continue with his reply.
    She didn’t know him well enough to prod for more information, so remained silent, bare toes scuffing in the grass.
    After a few more steps Hugh grabbed her waist and whirled her against the barn. Trapping her with his big body, he leaned close. Sibyll’s pussy clenched at his nearness. At some point, she’d let down her guard enough to not shake when he touched her this way. When had that happened? Probably when I swallowed his come.
    “When it comes to men you won’t ask questions. Is that right?” His voice sounded tight.
    She stole a glance at his face and saw only rugged beauty and dancing eyes. Breathless, she tried to formulate some reply that didn’t comprise of ooh, ahh, please give me more of that.
    “See that silo over there?” He twitched his head to the right.
    She followed his gesture. “What about it? What’s inside?”
    That twist of a smile gracing his features fled, and his gaze grew more intense. “You’ll ask about certain things. See? You want to ask about my childhood, but you won’t. Do you think I won’t tell you?”
    “No,” she said slowly. “But it’s not my business.”
    He grabbed her wrist and boldly pressed her hand against his cock. “Is this your business?” The stiff length seemed to surge against her palm. A ragged sigh left her. In a flash, he closed the gap between them, pressing her against the barn wall so hard splinters dug into her spine. His body molded to hers, and when he drew a breath, she felt it move through his whole torso.
    “I’m paying for it to be.” Her face burned.
    Hugh dropped his head by degrees until their lips nearly touched. “No, you’re paying to experience this beautiful ranch. I’m here of my own free will.” His breath caressed her skin, and his eyes burned. “My parents took care of horses. We traveled from ranch to ranch in an RV. Sibyll, you’re bolder in the bedroom than you think. Don’t be afraid to take what you want.” His eyes dilated. “What you need. ”
    When he brushed his lips over hers, strong desire gripped her. She moaned, opening to the invasion of his tongue. Hugh answered with a primal growl that turned her knees to jelly. She sagged, and if he didn’t have her pinned, she would have sunk to the turf.
    Hugh pushed his cock against the V of her legs. The pressure in her core built. Why hadn’t he taken her yet? He’d kissed, licked, nipped and finger-fucked her but hadn’t offered to slide inside her.
    A frustrated groan sounded in her throat.
    Tearing his mouth away, he stared at her, panting hard. “Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”
    Could she? She rubbed against him, and he took her movement to mean

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