William Shakespeare's The Phantom Menace

Free William Shakespeare's The Phantom Menace by Ian Doescher

Book: William Shakespeare's The Phantom Menace by Ian Doescher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Doescher
    â€”’Twill be my life’s pursuit.
    And now farewell, dear lady. Be at peace.
    [Anakin turns on C-3PO .
    Awake again—good Master Anakin!
    I stand a’ready at your service, sir.
    C-3PO, I have been freed today,
    And presently must take my leave from thee.
    I shall by starship fly from Tatooine.
    I wish you well, my maker, master, both—
    Yet I would wish to be complete ere you
    Depart for stars and systems still unknown.
    I beg thy pardon, Threepio, for I
    Have not the time to finish thee or give
    Thee all the coverings thou dost deserve.
    I’ll miss the time I spent constructing thee,
    And e’en though thou art droid, thou wert a friend.
    I shall entreat my mother not to sell thee.
    Alack, to sell me?
    â€”Now, adieu.
    â€”O, my!
    [Exit C-3PO. Anakin returns to Shmi and embraces her .
    I cannot part from thee, my mother, nay.
    O, Anakin, have courage and endure.
    O, think’st thou we shall ever meet again?
    What is the whisper of thy heart, dear one?
    I do not know; I hope so. I say: aye.
    If thou dost say it, truly it shall be.
    Keep me within thy heart until that time.
    I shall return and grant your freedom, too.
    This is my promise and my solemn vow.
    Now go, my son, and look not backward. Yea,
    I bid thee, keep thine eyes e’er forward turn’d.
    O, look not backward.
    [Exit Anakin .
    Agony most rare!
    With ev’ry yearning of this mother’s will
    I would both let him go and keep him here.
    The two desires make duel in me still:
    The selfish one would keep him for mine own,
    The better one would see him go, be free.
    That better part hath power o’er my tongue,
    Whilst cries the selfish part within my soul.
    For one, this is a mother’s proudest time,
    For th’other, ’tis the height of pain and grief.
    Such gain, such loss, such blessing and such burthen,
    Beyond all measure anguish, joy, and fear.
    Was ever mother fortunate as I?
    Was ever mother desolate as I?
    O, Fate, go with these two who leave me now:
    The man and boy—nay, rather ’tis two men.
    One young, one older, aye, yet both are men.
    This is my solace: I did raise the boy,
    Did give him all I could whilst he was mine,
    And now, as a young man, the bird shall fly.
    Thus shall my tears turn to a healing balm,
    And sighs of sorrow turn to breath of life.
    Goodbye, mine Anakin, mine only son:
    My life is whole since thine hath just begun.
    [Exit .

    On the planet Tatooine .
    Enter D ARTH M AUL .
    The Jedi’s whereabouts my droids have found,
    And I shall make my strike on them anon.
    I see them now—the older Jedi comes
    With boy of little consequence behind.
    I’ll make my swift attack upon the elder,
    And finish with the youth once he is dead.
    Behold, what’s this? An enemy? [ To Anakin :] Make haste!
    Unto the ship make thou the swiftest flight,
    And tell them to depart most urgently!
    [Exit Anakin. Qui-Gon and Darth Maul begin to duel .
    Your pow’rs are weak, and agèd your technique.
    You art no match for one so skill’d as I.
    Alas, such speed and fleet agility
    I ne’er have seen but in the Jedi ranks.
    Enter O BI -W AN K ENOBI , A NAKIN S KYWALKER , R2-D2, C APTAIN P ANAKA , and R IC O LIÉ on balcony, in the cockpit of the Naboo cruiser .
    Great trouble doth pursue Qui-Gon below!
    I prithee, pilot, take off now!
    â€”I shall!
    Draw near to them—fly low that he may leap.
    [Qui-Gon begins to lose strength .
    You grow still weaker; soon I’ll see you fall.
    Perchance I’ve one last leap to save myself.
    [Qui-Gon jumps into the ship, on the balcony .
    This battle ends, and you are barely sav’d:
    Next time you shall not be so fortunate.
    [Exit Darth Maul .

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