The Gift in You: Discovering New Life Through Gifts Hidden in Your Mind
adopting skills to function - adapting our gifting to our work situation and environment. So you may wish to complete the Gift Profile twice, once from a personal point of view and once from a professional and/or academic perspective.
    Sometimes when people complete the Gift Profile for the first time, they can lose focus because their two roles (professional and personal) have become so intertwined that it becomes hard to separate them. As you complete the Gift Profile, you might find yourself thinking, "I don't really like doing this, but I have had to learn the skill," or "This doesn't come naturally to me, but I have developed this skill over the years." 
    If you find yourself saying this, then the skill you are evaluating, via the question you are reading, is not natural to you. You would need to circle "no" when you complete the Gift Profile from a personal perspective and "yes" when you complete it from a professional standpoint.
    When you first complete the profile, use these questions to guide you:
What do I like to do? (If you don't like it, don't select it!)
What comes naturally to me?
What appeals to me?
    The second time you complete the profile, keep the following questions in mind:
What have I had to develop to perform better academically, professionally and/or experientially? (For example, you may not naturally be organized but have had to train yourself in order to cope with your job or academics.)
How has a particular skill or quality developed due to the nature of my work life environment or academic demands?
What is it that I don’t like to do but have had to do or have learned to do in my work/learning/teaching/ home environment?
    And remember:
There is no right or wrong answer.
You are not trying to impress anyone.
Pure honesty is what is required.
You are not supposed to score high on everything.
    Most of the intelligences will be around 40-70%, a few around 70-80% and two or three might be higher. If you get a high score in most areas, you have either mixed your personal and academic profiles, or you have not been totally honest!
    The highest scores, your strengths, focus on your abilities. These questions are just a sampling to give you an idea of where your strengths lie.
    Please note, if you'd like your children to complete the Gift Profile, there are developmental aspects to the Gift Profile. The brain goes through growth spurts up to the age of eighteen years, which will affect the results of the profile. For example, in a young child from the ages of approximately five to eight years, the brain is going through a major growth spurt and is therefore still developing.
    Over time, as the child's brain grows and matures, the scores will increase, but the dominant pillars will not change, unless a particular skill has been concentrated on and developed, like when piano lessons develop musical intelligence.
    Remember that between the ages of eight and eleven, children may try too hard to give the answers they think the person asking the questions wants. So it is helpful to emphasize to younger children that it is good to say "no" to a question because what you are looking for is what they like, not what you as the teacher or mom wants them to like.
    In effect, they may play the "school game." Younger children tend to be more natural. You also need to provide lots of examples for each of the questions for younger children.
    Fill in your final percentages (blue for personal and red for professional /academic) on the gift combination evaluation chart at the beginning of the next chapter. Now find your highest scores. The easiest way to do this is to rank the scores from highest to lowest. (Remember, they should not all come out high!)
    THE GIFT PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE Intrapersonal Intelligence
  1. I am very aware of all my emotions.
Yes No
2. I am easily able to express how I feel in detail.
Yes No
3. I can easily find different ways to express my emotions and thoughts.
Yes No
4. I can sit quietly for

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