Wicked Night Before Christmas

Free Wicked Night Before Christmas by Tierney O’Malley

Book: Wicked Night Before Christmas by Tierney O’Malley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tierney O’Malley
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
moan. She had dreamed about him coming to her in the middle of the night to take her once again. Now it was finally happening. Giving herself freely to the passion of their kiss, she opened her mouth to let his insistent tongue in. He tasted of red licorice. Cara sucked on Lucas's tongue when he thrust it in again. The simple act created a strong current of hot electricity all the way down her body. It centered in between her legs where she throbbed.
    Lucas swept her, as if she weighed nothing, into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. “Cara, I missed you.” His body followed as he laid her gently on the bed.
    "I missed you, too."
    Reclaiming her lips, Lucas crushed her to him. His kiss was urgent, demanding, drugging. Cara felt the hunger in his kiss all the way to her toes. Lifting his mouth a fraction so their lips were still touching, he whispered, “You made me burn so fast, so quick."
    His hand lifted her blouse exposing her breasts. Lucas's fiery hot palm caressed her sensitive breasts until her nipples screamed to be touched. “Lucas."
    "Hmm, want this?” Lucas's tongue flicked one hard nipple. He repeated the mind shattering action on her other breast before finally trapping one between his lips. And then he sucked her.
    Cara's back arched, her fingers dug deep into his scalp. “Don't stop."
    "I won't, love.” While he tantalized her nipples with his tongue, his hand slid across her belly and gently down to the swell of her hips.
    Cara squirmed beneath him. Each lick, each touch served as a torch burning her body, liquefying her bones. Lucas felt so good on top of her with his erection pressed against her pelvis bone. But she wanted his bare skin touching hers. Gripping the edge of his shirt, she pulled it up.
    Lucas released his lips from her nipple, removed his shirt then shucked his jeans. “Eager to have me, huh?"
    "Better believe it."
    "We'd better get rid of your shirt, too, then."
    As soon as her shirt landed on the floor, Lucas gave his attention back on her breasts. After a couple hard sucks, he slid down her body. His tongue made a wet path down her ribs to her stomach. Cara lay panting, waiting for Lucas to kiss the part of her that had been throbbing and begging for his attention.
    Lucas planted open kisses on her body. When he reached her pubic mound, he nuzzled her nest, then looked up at her. “You're beautiful, Cara. And you're mine. Open your legs for me, love."
    Cara licked her lips as she slowly, without shame, spread her legs to make room for his shoulders. “I love you, Lucas."
    "I love you, too.” He lowered his head and licked her clit.
    A moan of ecstasy escaped her lips. “More Lucas, more."
    "Yes, baby. I'll give you more.” Using his fingers, he spread her lips then ran his tongue up and down her seams. “Hmm...so good. You're so wet and still tight. His two fingers buried deep inside her pussy joined them together.
    Cara grabbed the bed sheets when pleasure took her higher. She thrust her hips, meeting Lucas's fingers, urging him to go deeper. Lucas answered by pumping his fingers.
    "Like it, baby? How about this?"
    Before Cara could give him an answer, he sucked her clit. Cara's lusty moan turned into panting. She was sure anytime soon she'd shatter into million pieces. She wanted to come, to reach her orgasm. Now. “Lucas, this is so good."
    "It's good for me, too.” Using two fingers, Lucas gently separated her labia. “Ah, you're weeping honey. Fucking beautiful.” He massaged her clit with the tip of his tongue until Cara thought she'd go crazy.
    "Yes! Like that. Oh my god.” She tangled her hands in his hair, pulling his mouth closer.
    Lucas's mouth breathed hot fire on her pussy, fanning her already burning body. When he captured her clit and sucked it relentlessly, Cara burst into flames.
    Grinning like a satisfied wolf, he scooted off the bed and stood in front of her. Cara watched him shuck his jeans and boxer briefs. His cock jutted out, long and thick

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