Sebastian (Bowen Boys)

Free Sebastian (Bowen Boys) by Kathi S. Barton

Book: Sebastian (Bowen Boys) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
huge side-by-side with glass front doors, and the cabinets that seemed to glow with the lights behind the beveled glass on them. She walked to the stove and fell in love with the gas-top burners and the large grill in the middle. She laughed when she thought of all the dinners that must get made here.
    “I’m going to confess something to you. This place was a sty up until about an hour ago. I’ve been really busy at work and trying to balance the two jobs I have, and had sort of neglected this place for a while. You have the best cleaning crew I’ve ever seen to thank for this being clean.” She nodded and took the glass of tea he handed her. “There’s more in the fridge. Just help yourself. I’m going to go out and fire up the grill for our dinner. How do you want yours cooked?”
    She told him rare , and he smiled at her. He told her if she wanted salad that it was on the second shelf, to make them each a bowl. She pulled out the large bowl as he stepped outside.
    By the time the steaks were done , he’d shown her where to find plates and silverware as well as the dressings. She was putting the warm rolls on the table when he brushed against her while putting the steaks on their plates. She felt as if he’d touched her everywhere. Nervous, she backed up as he turned to her.
    “I won’t hurt you.” She nodded, knowing that he would anyway. “I’d very much like to kiss you again. This time without interruptions. May I?”
    Ama wanted to tell him no , that it wasn’t a good idea, but he put the platter he had the steaks on into the sink, along with his utensils. He took a step toward her and she didn’t back away, as was her habit. When he was just inches from her, she looked up at him and licked her lips.
    “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me? How it feels to be this close to you without touching you?” He touched her throat in the barest of touches and then cupped his hand behind her head. “I need this from you. May I please kiss you?”
    “Yes,” was barely out of her mouth when he sealed his lips over hers. He tilted her head to his left and ran his tongue along her sealed lips, asking for permission to enter her. When she opened her mouth slightly, he took her hungrily and she moaned and reached for something to hang onto. It just happened to be his shirt.
    As his tongue slid along hers , she moved her hands up his chest to his shoulders. He ran his free hand down her back to her ass and cupped her against him. She felt his hardness against her and moved, thinking to pull back. But as soon as she felt his cock at her soft folds, she gripped him harder across his shoulders and moaned against this mouth. She was clinging to him even as he lifted her off the floor.
    Something hard touched her back , and she moaned again when his body pressed deeper into hers. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, he lifted her leg up by her thigh and she wrapped her legs around him without thought as to what she was doing and where this was going to end up. His mouth moved along her chin to her throat, and she tilted her head for him, giving him whatever he needed to bring them to wherever he needed. Her body was screaming at her to touch him like he was touching her, and she nuzzled her nose against his pounding pulse, suckled the vein into her mouth, and nipped at him.
    “Christ , I want you. I need you.” Her shirt was torn from her and his mouth was everywhere. Her breasts were suddenly freed, and his mouth was covering them.
    “Please.” She didn’t know what she needed, but he apparently did because he rocked into her again and again. “More please. I need more.”
    He lifted his head. She looked at him, on the verge of begging him to finish her, when she saw his eyes. They had darkened from the warmed honey color to the dark of his panther. She nipped at his chin, and he moaned at her.
    “Give it to me. We can’t go any further until you tell me I can.” Her mind was trying to understand

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