Miss Julia Stands Her Ground

Free Miss Julia Stands Her Ground by Ann B. Ross

Book: Miss Julia Stands Her Ground by Ann B. Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann B. Ross
Ledbetter and Emma Sue who would agree with you. And I’m sure I don’t know how many others. But, LuAnne, I’ll tell you this, if I decide to run—and that’s a big if—Iwould expect everyone who signed that petition to vote for me, and that means you, too.”
    â€œJulia, I just told you . . .”
    â€œI don’t care what you just told me. I expect you to stand by your promise, and your signature on that petition is the promise of a vote. You can’t say one thing and do another, LuAnne, it doesn’t work that way.”
    She drew herself up and sniffed. “Well, I’m just telling you the way it is. And you know me, Julia, I am honest to the core and I stand on my convictions. I would think you’d want to know how I really feel. And think of this: Nobody knows how anybody else votes, so for all you know, I may vote for you, and I may not. Besides, I know that underneath it all you don’t really want to be an elder, do you?”
    â€œIf I decide to run, LuAnne, I would expect to win. And if I have to do it without you, then I will. Now, Hazel Marie’s waiting, so I have to go. Thank you for sharing this with me.” And I took myself off, leaving her feeling self-righteously honest, if a trifle told off by her best friend.

Chapter 9

    Hazel Marie chattered all the way home, beside herself with excitement over my possible run for the session. I mostly sat and listened, holding on to the armrest, as I usually did when she drove. Now that I had her alone in the car, I couldn’t bring myself to tell her about Uncle Vern. Hazel Marie lived in the present more than anybody I’d ever known. She viewed the world with eager expectancy, which was a marvel to me, since the world had not treated her all that well. Until I came into her life, that is. Or rather, until she came into mine, and I kept her in it.
    I hated that she had to be told that something was threatening not only her well-being, but Little Lloyd’s, too. And that kept my tongue still and my mouth closed. That, and being too close to home to get it all said and dealt with.
    â€œI know the pastor won’t like it,” Hazel Marie said, glancing at me, then quickly back at the street. “But that’s never stopped you before. I think it’s just what the church needs. We could use a little shaking up. Why, Miss Julia, you’ll be representing half the congregation.”
    â€œMore than half, Hazel Marie.”
    â€œThat’s what I mean. Anyway, I’d love to be a fly on the wall at the session meetings when you’re there. I bet those old men won’t know what to do with you.” She laughed with delight.
    â€œI haven’t said I’d do it.”
    â€œOh, but I think you should. It’s perfectly all right now, and you know our church is way behind the times. A lot of churches have had women elders for ever so long, and nobody thinks anything about them now.”
    â€œI know, Hazel Marie, change has been in the air for years, but the Bible hasn’t changed. And, you have to admit, that Paul was pretty specific about who should be deacons and elders and bishops, and it certainly wasn’t women.”
    â€œWell, but in those days women didn’t go to school or get out in the world. It’s different now, and I think if Paul was living now, he’d be singing a different tune.”
    She turned into our driveway, came to a stop, and put the car into park. “Anyway,” she went on, “whatever I can do to help, just let me know.”
    I opened the car door, but didn’t make a move to get out. “Hazel Marie, don’t get too worked up over this, because I’m inclined not to do it. For one thing, I have a lot on my mind right now and don’t have time to fiddle with it. And for another, I’m not convinced that we should go against the Bible, even if parts of it do seem out-of-date and a little on

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