Blood Ties
myself onto the rug and raised my legs on the couch. Jared knelt beside me and held my back. He talked but his voice sounded very distant.
    I turned my head sideways and threw up.

    I opened my eyes as I was placed on my bed. I saw Jared lean over me, take my temperature and feel my pulse.
    “Stay put while I clean up, okay? Try to rest.”
    Jared left, and I waited patiently. I hated the fact that he was cleaning after me, but I could do nothing about it. I shut my eyes and focused on my breathing, so that it was strong and even. I didn’t feel hot, which meant I didn’t have a fever, but I was still a bit weak from the dropping of my pressure.
    A short while later Jared sat on the bed; I felt the mattress yield under his weight. I opened my eyes and looked into his; he seemed concerned.
    “How did it happen?” I asked, not really sure if I wanted to know.
    “Sandra was run over on her lunch break. She’d left the firm to run some errands and a car missed a red light…”
    “Did they get the driver?”
    “It was a hit and run, so there’s no identified driver. Aidan is having security cameras from nearby buildings and stores subpoenaed to check if any got a relevant image that may help catch the culprit.”
    I sighed and closed my eyes.
    “Did it have anything to do with Susie’s death or my package or the car when we went running?”
    “There’s no evidence pointing towards it. Maybe it was a terrible coincidence; maybe Susan’s killer wanted Sandra dead as well; or, there’s always the possibility that Sandra had her own enemies and the timing is a terrible coincidence. I seriously do not know Sam, and Aidan is skeptical as to what to consider her death, accident or homicide.”
    “That sucks,” I said, unable to produce any more significant words.
    “I know. It’ll take some time to check all the security footage, but I know Aidan’s taking care of the case and it’s his priority right now, so he’ll clear Sandra’s situation as soon as humanly possible.”
    “Great. What are we supposed to do meanwhile? Should we call it a night or…?” I let my voice trail off because I had no idea of what else we could do.
    “Actually, my boss wants to meet you, and he’ll probably want to ask you some questions regarding both Susan and Sandra.”
    “As in, Sam is a suspect?”
    “No; as in, Sam knows both victims and she can give significant information.”
    I exhaled with relief and nodded.
    “Change into something warmer and more comfortable and I’ll drive us down to the station.”
    I nodded and Jared left my bedroom. After changing into a pair of jeans, a long-sleeved grey shirt, black boots and a black jacket, I grabbed my purse and met Jared in the living-room. He made sure the door was locked as we left, and led me to the garage. We hopped into my car and he drove quietly to Tillman Station; I could see the stress in his face.
    At the station, Jared saw Aidan on the far side of the place; they nodded at each other and, gently taking me by the arm, he led me towards his brother. Without saying a word, Aidan walked into a room and we dutifully followed. Once we were inside, Jared closed the door and Aidan shut the blinds.
    We were in a regular office, with a couple of desks and their corresponding chairs; there was no two-way mirror or anything that might compromise our gathering. If we’d been seen going into the station, we could pull it off as being called in for either recognition of the body or to confirm information, or something of sorts. I sat on a chair; Jared sat next to me and Aidan sat behind a desk.
    “Are you alright after the running incident?” Aidan asked me, and I could feel the anger in his voice.
    “Yes, I’m fine. I’d almost forgotte n about it, with Sandy’s death…Have you got any leads?”
    “None so far, but I’m working on it. Do you know anyone who could have done it?”
    “Not really. I was acquainted with Sandy and I liked her, but we weren’t

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