Billionaire Romance: MAXIMILIAN (An Alpha Bad Boy Contemporary Mystery Romance) (Mysterious Billionaires Book 3, Anthologies & Collections)

Free Billionaire Romance: MAXIMILIAN (An Alpha Bad Boy Contemporary Mystery Romance) (Mysterious Billionaires Book 3, Anthologies & Collections) by Nicole Banks

Book: Billionaire Romance: MAXIMILIAN (An Alpha Bad Boy Contemporary Mystery Romance) (Mysterious Billionaires Book 3, Anthologies & Collections) by Nicole Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Banks
now surging into Gwen’s depths.  She tightened her thighs around him, encouraging him to empty himself into her completely, to give her every drop that he produced.  And Dantar obliged her.  He kept his throbbing length locked inside her for a long time before finally relaxing on top of her.
    It was with the greatest reluctance that Dantar pulled out, but also with the knowledge that he had one more duty to perform as her mate.  Slowly he climbed down between Gwen’s thighs to where his zazansa had been, and let his tongue find the pulpy knob that controlled the one joy even greater than his penetration of her.  She moaned at what he did, the licking and sucking at what his tongue so skillfully found.  He played with it, licking and swirling and stroking, carrying her along with every pass of his tongue upon it until he brought her up to the heights that he had reached by thrusting inside her. Her ultimate, wailing outcry of euphoria told him that his mission was accomplished and that ripples of unbridled pleasure were now spreading and bouncing through the body of his new mate.
    Afterwards, they sat up in each other’s arms in bed, mouths sliding and sucking together, hands roaming over breasts and pecs and down to the treasures between their legs.  “It is done, my love,” said Dantar.  “Or in truth, it is only begun: for I shall have you in bed all this day and all this night.  I shall lie atop you and enter you and fill you many times before we are wed.  The servants will bring food and drink that we need not leave here.  We need only lie together and know one another’s bodies.”
    “Still with the royal wedding?” she sighed before giving in to another sensuous kiss.
    “It must be.  Thus joined in body, we must join in life.”  And he kissed her yet again to underline his decree.
    Gwendolyn Rush, having thus been fantastically sexed by a man beyond her imagining, a man who expressed in no uncertain terms his intention to keep her and sex her without let, relaxed in his arms and pondered what he offered her.  But this time she pondered it without indignation, without outrage, without resistance or the thought of protest.  Perhaps she had been looking at the whole thing in the wrong way.
    She had come to Sarma seeking answers about the origins of its people and their relationship to her own.  Perhaps in his desire for a queen and her desire for knowledge lay an opportunity.  As Dantar’s queen she would hold vast authority and have the resources of a planet at her disposal.  There might just be a way to be the woman under Dantar in his bed and to accomplish what she set out to do.
    The ruler of a planet could surely build a university of her own.

Desired by the Alien Prince

                  "All dressed up and don't want to go."
                  That was the way Danielle Dryden felt while studying herself in the full-length mirror in her suite at the resort.  She looked beautiful—at least, as beautiful as she felt capable of being—in her flowing pale yellow-gold gown and elegant gloves that matched the color of the clouds of Saturn and its rings that were at that moment shimmering outside her picture window.  She looked lovely with her brown hair all done up in shiny curls falling over her bare shoulders and just to the middle of her bare back.
    She was dressed for a ball.  She had come all the way out from her parents' estate on Mars to the exclusive and opulent Titan II Resort, orbiting Saturn's largest moon, just for this event.  But, if the truth be told, her heart was just not in it.  Only her parents' insistence had brought her and her finery all the way out here.  Had it not been for them and the occasion of the ball, she would have been happy just to stay home.  Forever.
                  She had not been in a party mood for weeks, not since the thing that happened

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