Honor Student
yourself?” he asked. His question caught me off guard and
I did not really have an answer.
    “Why are you so distant?” I countered. He
drew in a deep breath.
    “That has nothing to do with you, Emma.” I
placed my hand on his chest, feeling his pulse race under my
fingertips. He grabbed my hand and pressed it harder against his
    “You are the only person who has ever made my
heart race like this.” His eyes stared deeply into mine. I could
not look away, not that I wanted to. He ran his free hand through
my hair and tucked it behind my ear.
    “You have to go. It’s not up for debate.” He
said sternly. I wanted to argue but I knew his mind was made

Chapter Seventeen
    I called Becka and left her a voicemail
letting her know I wanted to hang out. William fixed us something
to eat while I waited for her to call me back.
    “This is amazing.” I said as I slurped up
another spaghetti noodle. William laughed and used his thumb to
wipe sauce from my bottom lip. He licked his finger sending that
unmistakable feeling throughout my body.
    “Eat” he smiled and I realized I had been
staring at him longer than I intended. My phone rang and I reached
for it.
    “It’s Becka” I told William as I
    “My Aunt and I had a fight. I just…can’t go
back there for a while.” The truth was I did not want to ever go
back to that house. “Thanks Becka. I really appreciate it.” I hung
up the phone and looked up to see William rinsing the plates in the
    “She said I could stay.” I did not want to
leave. I wanted to stay here lost in this fantasy with William.
With him, I felt like I had a purpose. I felt in control even when
he left me completely powerless.
    He grabbed my purse from the counter and
opened the door. I walked through, hanging my head like a sulking
child. If I was not with William, I wanted to be alone, wallowing
in my sadness.
    “You can call me if you need anything.” He
reassured me but I did not feel any better. He opened the car door
and waited for me to get in. I kissed him on his cheek, but I let
my mouth linger, not wanting to pull back from him. He turned
catching my lip in his. His touch made me forget about everything
that was wrong in my life. I pushed against him, hungry for more.
“We have to go.” He breathed heavily. It was taking all he had not
kiss me again. I moved closer but decided against it. If I did not
leave now I never would. “I will fix this.” He promised and I knew
he meant it.
    I nodded and got in my seat. We travelled in
silence. The GPS spouted directions and soon we were a few houses
away from Becka’s home. There were so many things I wanted to say
to him but I could not form the words. “I’ll come for you as soon
as I can.” I knew he was trying to comfort me but I could not
ignore the sad underlying tone as he spoke.
    “I know” I said quietly as I got out of the
car, pulling my bag from the bag seat. I watched him drive away,
walking slowly until his taillights disappeared down the road
before ringing the doorbell.
    “Emma!” Becka wrapped her arms around my neck
and hugged me tightly. I barely knew her and the whole scene was
too awkward.
    “Hey” I said with a smile, tucking my hair
behind my ear. She stepped inside and I followed, looking around at
the elaborately decorated home. “Nice place”
    “Thanks. My mom is really into flowers.” She
replied, rolling her eyes. Right on cue her mother stepped around
the corner holding a plate of cookies.
    “Ohhh…” she laughed and waved off Becka’s
expression. “How are you dear? Becka has told me all about your
situation. I am so sorry.” She looked at me with that awful
expression I had become accustom too.
    “Thanks” I looked down at my feet, not
wanting to meet her gaze.
    “I baked you some comfort food.” She smiled
holding out the plate of cookies.
    “She doesn’t want to eat her feelings.” Becka
replied sarcastically, grabbing my arm and pulling me up the

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