Blood and Loss (Cassandra Myles Witch Series)

Free Blood and Loss (Cassandra Myles Witch Series) by Electa Graham

Book: Blood and Loss (Cassandra Myles Witch Series) by Electa Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Electa Graham
until the 50s , Killian. We were nothing but cheesy Hollywood horror movie characters to most and now we live openly. Well, as openly as society will allow.”
    The last vampire cleared his throat. He shook his head. He seemed to be trying to say something, but nothing was coming out. “My maker was almost killed in that war. He found it hard to talk about, but I did believe him. He said that in a one-on-one fight, a fairy could very easily kill even some of the oldest of us. The thought of them walking among us terrifies me.”
    Well , the top of the food chain doesn’t like to be thought of as prey. Welcome to my world. I wanted to say something, but Lucius sensed it and gripped my thigh. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of any reaction except one of my famous dirty looks. He just shrugged. Ewww
I’d love  to have
super-strength for just ten minutes and I could wipe that smug look off his face. Ass-hat.
    Quintus put his face in his hands. When he looked up again, his eyes were rimmed with red. “Many people died during that war. Good people. Sacrifices made so those that came after could live freely.”
    “What about the weres?” questioned Emil
    “They are divided and that is the only reason I know what I do. One of them felt strongly enough to tell me personally that there is a pack that is actively helping the fae. He wouldn’t tell us where, though, and since there are hundreds of packs and some have been hidden for centuries, it is like searching for a needle in a haystack.”
    Emil spoke up. “Is there a way to prevent the seals from being opened?”
    “Maybe. I am working on it. If it pans out, I will let you know. In the meantime, we have to plan for a worst-case scenario. Feel out those you trust. See what they know. Any information about where this pack is would be an enormous help.”
    “I will do as you ask , old friend, but my gut is telling me there is something you are not telling us.” Killian looked at him, waiting to see if Quintus would reveal anything else. When he was met with a blank face, he turned to leave.
    I got a wink from him as he walked by . I couldn’t help but smile. Killian always joked about stealing me from Quintus. He said his assistants were more work than help. I always refused, but remained very friendly with him. A girl always needed options. The other two left without even glancing my way. I was fine with that.
    When they shut the door behind them , I leapt from the chair. Quintus put his hand up before I could even speak. “Cassandra, please. I know you have a thousand questions. Let me tell you a few things first and if I haven’t covered everything, then you may bombard me with your curious mind.”
    I just nodded. It sounded like a good plan. I just hoped I didn’t forget everything I wanted to ask.
    “First, let me congratulate you. I should have called you right away and told you, but the information about the fae came at the same time. You, my dear one, are going to have the geis lifted in one week.”
    I know the timing was bad, but I ran around his desk and leapt into his arms. “I can never tha nk you enough. I am speechless! Anything you ever need, just ask.”
    His arms wrapped around me and he gave me a fatherly kiss on the top of my head. “You might want to hold on to this feeling, because I do have something to ask of you.”
    I went back to my perch beside Lucius. I had a feeling I should sit down for this one. I took a deep breath. “Anything.”
    “I believe you might be the only witch powe rful enough to break the seals.”
    “That seems like a bit of a stretch , Quintus. I haven’t even performed magic for five years. You can’t seriously think I could undo something it took God knows how many powerful druids and vampires to put in place?”
    “Yes , I do. You ripped apart the wall between here and the afterlife.”
    “I… I don’t even know how I did that. It could have been a fluke.” I remembered that day very vividly. I

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