Blood and Loss (Cassandra Myles Witch Series)

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Book: Blood and Loss (Cassandra Myles Witch Series) by Electa Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Electa Graham
even had nightmares about it, but it always felt like someone else was in control of what I was doing.
    “Can we agree to disagree?” I nodded. “If I have the opinion that you could break the seals, then the fae and whatever wolf pack is helping them may have that opinion, and if that is the case, you are in danger.”
    I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want it to be true. I didn’t think it was true. “Even if I have the mojo, it doesn’t mean I have the knowhow. The druids are gone and I assume the knowledge of how they created them is gone with them.” This was insane. Quintus had never known me when I had my magic. I didn’t know why he thought I could do this impossible feat of magic.
    “All but one.”
    He walked over and Lucius moved so he could sit next to me. He turned my head so I was looking right in to his eyes. His voice was thick with emotion. “I was a druid. The Anthea turned me so I could live to protect the seals. It is why I always thought of you as a kindred spirit. I lost my powers the day I was turned and a part of me still feels that loss.”
    He looked almost vulnerable. Then it was gone and his mask was back in place. I took his hand in mine. I was fighting back tears. “I wish I had known. All those times I complained about not having my magic. I feel silly now.” I was on information overload. I thought I was savvy when it came to the supernatural community, and it turns out I didn’t know much more than the average Joe.
    He smiled and I knew he was here in the present again. “You almost never complain, young one, but I have a feeling that is going to change.”
    “Why?” This was bad. I braced myself for whatever he was going to ask.
    “If the fae or the w olves think you can remove the seals, then you are not safe. They will try their best to kidnap you. That is the best-case scenario. If there are people who want the fae to stay where they are, they may try to eliminate you. I need to protect you, Cassandra. I want you to allow Lucius to be your bodyguard.”
    My chin hit the floor. I almost fell off the loveseat. “When you call in a favor…wow you really know how to call in a favor. I really don’t think I need a bodyguard.”
    “Then would you consent to moving back here until I think it is safe?”
    “No. I don’t want that either. I love my little home and I don’t want to leave Declan. If I move in here, his head would explode.”
    Quintus still had the calm look , but his knuckles were white and his jaw was tight. “I do not care what your roommate thinks. Your safety is more important than anything.” He kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, “If something happened to you and I could have prevented it, I would never forgive myself. I need you to agree to this.”
    I didn’t want to have to deal with t his. Declan would go ballistic. He was only human. Lucius could twist him like a pretzel. “Declan is my roommate. He has a right to an opinion about who stays in our home.”
    “ You said you would do anything I asked. This is what I want, or was all that gratitude just lip service?”
    Wow , low blow. I guess 2000 years of practice and you are going to be pretty good at guilt. I was in a lose-lose situation. I didn’t want to refuse Quintus. He only wanted to protect me. I couldn’t just have a vampire move in with us and not at least ask Declan if it was okay.
    “I am sure Lucius has better things to do than babysit me.” I looked to him for some help. He looked away. Coward.
    “Lucius does what I ask. If only everyone in my employ was like that.”
    I felt defeated. I would give Declan the choice of me here or Lucius and me at our place. “Fine, but who is going to protect me from him?”
    Quintus gave a small laugh. “Lucius would lay down his life for you, Cassandra. He takes his duty very seriously.”
    I still wasn’t convinced. I was so not getting him that Number One Boss mug for Christmas. “I’ll talk to Declan

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