Spyder Web

Free Spyder Web by Tom Grace

Book: Spyder Web by Tom Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom Grace
Tags: det_espionage
bar’s bottom line, but the owner obviously had no intention of upscaling his working-class bar by adding ferns or trendy beers.
    She sat on a stool beside the massive oak and brass bar that ran the length of the room. Steam rose from a pass-through window between the bar and the kitchen beyond; the scent of the grilled food filled the air. Roe ordered a draft beer and the fish and chips special. After looking over the bar, she located Cole tucked in a corner booth near the back.
    Her food arrived quickly, the fish still sizzling from the deep fryer. Roe gathered up her dinner and utensils in one hand and her beer in the other and walked over to the booth. Cole was halfway through a Reuben sandwich, his face buried in the paper’s ‘Commentary’ section.
    Roe summoned her most disarming smile. ‘I thought I saw a familiar face in here. Mind if I join you?’
    ‘I guess not,’ Cole replied, motioning to the bench opposite him as he folded his evening paper. The puzzled, blank look on Cole’s face told Roe that he didn’t quite remember her. ‘You’re doing that story on Moy, right?’
    ‘Yes, I’m Alex Roe, and don’t worry about forgetting my name. You can’t expect to remember everyone you meet.’
    Cole looked visibly relieved at being let off the hook. ‘I admit, I’m awful with names. It takes me weeks before I get them straight.’
    ‘Now, Michael, if I’m going to join you for dinner, I do have one ground rule: no shoptalk. I deal with computers and technology and business all day long, so I don’t want to hear about anything along those lines. Is that all right?’
    ‘Fine. I can’t talk about work anyway. So what do you want to talk about?’
    ‘I don’t know,’ Roe mused. ‘Have you seen the new exhibit at the art museum, the Muromachi paintings from Japan?’
    ‘No, I’m not really big on art,’ Cole replied, ‘just movies, books, and sports. I did finally go out to Oak Park to see the Frank Lloyd Wright houses. I never understood why so many people raved about him until I saw his houses next to all those Victorians.’
    ‘So what do you think of him now?’
    ‘I guess I have to buy into the tour guide’s party line: Wright was an architectural genius. All the houses in that neighborhood were built about the same time, but only his still look innovative.’
    ‘From what I know about Wright, that was true throughout most of his career. You mentioned books,’ Roe said, changing the subject. ‘What are you reading these days?’
    ‘Would you believe a book about medieval France?’
    Roe kept the conversation moving as they ate, bringing up light, unchallenging topics. Cole warmed up and actually seemed to appreciate the company. The waitress cleared away the plates and brought another round of drinks for them both-Roe’s treat.
    Cole was in a receptive mood and it was time for Roe to make her pitch. ‘So, I hear that your project is winding down. Are you back to Washington after that?’
    ‘Eventually, but first I’m taking a much-needed vacation.’ Cole’s persona outside the office was much more relaxed, and a few beers did wonders at easing the tension. ‘My wife and I busted up right when this job with Moy started going hot and heavy, which was good, because it didn’t leave me much free time to wallow in self-pity. Now it’s time for me to get my head back together, so I’m taking all the vacation days I’ve built up and heading for the islands.’
    ‘Where about?’ Roe was playing the good listener, feeding Cole lines that would keep him talking.
    ‘All over, Grand Cayman, the Bahamas.’ Cole was very enthusiastic about his upcoming vacation. ‘I’m even going to the Dominican Republic. I’ve never been there before, but I hear the diving is fantastic.’
    ‘You’re a scuba diver, huh? I’ve done a little diving, but not as much as I’d like.’
    ‘There’s nothing like it.’Cole gushed with enthusiasm. ‘Shipwrecks are my personal favorite. I’ve

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