The Rising Moon
took my hand and led me through the break in the darkened forest. We sat on the long dry grass surrounded by the scents of lavenders and jasmines. We stared openly at the starlit night. Twigs snapped in the darken distance, crickets moved with short hurried movements from their tread, and a black bird gave an occasional cry as he soared overhead.
    I turned to look at him. He seemed harmless as he lied beside me lost in the mysterious allure of the dark sky. I sighed loudly and wrapped my arms around my knees pulling them close to my chest.
    "Where are you Lia?" he asked staring up at me. “I can’t help but feel you’re far from me.”
    "What do you mean?" I replied. "I'm right beside you."
    "I mean in your thoughts. You seem distant. Are you not enjoying yourself?”
    I looked at him. My cheek pressed on my knees. He raised his brow waiting for my reply.
    "I am. It’s just…I was thinking about something my friend told me."
    “ What did your friend say?”
    I pressed my lips and looked away. I didn't want to tell him, but I also couldn't hide the fact that I was uneasy and unable to enjoy this romantic star filled night with him.
    "He told me I should stay away from you.” I shook my head, and rolled my eyes.
    He laughed, “You’re talking about the friend I met this afternoon?” I could tell by the look in his face that he wasn't upset, but please that Ryan was intimidated by him. "Well of course he would tell you that. He’s in love with you.” His eyes were bright as the stars, “and I don’t blame him.”
He leaned close, and stroked my face and throat like a blind man. I don’t know why, maybe it was rebellion against Ryan, but I closed my eyes and allowed his curious fingers to explore my cheek, forehead, nose, and gently part my lips. I swallowed hard and opened my eyes. I stared lost into his eyes that radiated in the moonlight like two juicy olives.
    He lowered the hood of my jacket, “I’m glad you didn’t listen to him.” And then he pressed his lips on mine. It was soft and gentle at first, then more demanding as we both tumbled into the moment.
    He slowly pulled away from me to catch his breath. I too struggled to breathe. I’ve never been kissed like that before. Even when Ryan and I shared the kiss that brought about awkwardness into our friendship, I never felt what I felt now while kissing Lyle.
    I sighed deeply, lost in the moment, and at a loss of words. He smiled at me and I blushingly smiled back. He took my hand in his and fell into the blanket. I followed and lied beside him. Both of us quiet, staring at the sky. Our fingers entwined as he gently rubbed his thumb on the top of my hand in a circular motion that caused a surge of electricity to run through my body. He rolled on his side resting on his elbow. I lifted my hand to his hair burying my fingers in his strands, enjoying their slightly coarse texture. He smiled with his eyes closed, enjoying every touch.
    The evening felt colder as the time drew close to midnight. I shivered. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the chilled breeze or the intensity that built within me.
    “ I can take you home if you like,” he said.
    But I didn’t want to leave. John wasn’t home or if he were home, he’d probably be drunk or asleep in front of the TV.
    I shook my head. He seemed pleased.
    He wrapped his arm around me and breathed in the scent of my hair. I felt his warm breath on my face as he held me against his chest. I felt warm, calm. My eyes felt heavy as I listened to the nocturnal sounds of nature.
    When suddenly I found myself face to face with the werewolf I’ve seen many times in my dreams.
    “ At last we’re together again, as it was meant to be,” he said with a subtle howl. His glowing eyes were human. “Take my hand and come with me. You shouldn’t deny who you are.”
    White bristled hair streamed down my arm as our hands touched. My heart rapidly picked up speed, beating in an unfamiliar rhythm. I looked at my hands

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