Make Me Yours

Free Make Me Yours by Kendall Ryan

Book: Make Me Yours by Kendall Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendall Ryan
starting to have real feeling for him. Which is why when he removed me from his embrace by holding me at arm’s length, I didn’t protest.
    “Come on, they’re probably waiting for us.” He tugged my hand, harder than necessary, and led me to the stairs.
    After grabbing some towels, we headed out onto the deck and found Aiden and Ashlyn already in the hot tub.
    I slipped into the warmth and let out a groan. It felt amazing. It was a beautiful night, starlit and balmy-warm.
    Cohen followed me into the hot tub, which instantly felt smaller when he was situated just a foot from me.
    Ashlyn scooted onto Aiden’s lap and threw her arms around his neck. “This is fantastic. Thanks for thinking of this getaway for us.”
    He gave her a quick kiss. “Of course, baby.”
    I twisted my hair in a bun and sank down further into the water, letting it cover my shoulders, hoping the heat would relax me. Cohen glanced at me and smiled. It was more of a nervous grin than anything else.
    After a few minutes of soaking and a whispered conversation, Ashlyn and Aiden climbed out of the water, saying they were going to call it a night, which left Cohen and I sitting alone in the hot water. We sat quietly for a while, just enjoying the stillness of the night. A few minutes later, the silence was broken by voices.
    Voices that were making gasping and moaning sounds.
    Oh my.
    I turned to look at the cabin, realizing the window facing the deck was Ashlyn and Aiden’s bedroom. And the window was open. Ashlyn’s cries grew in volume until she finally choked out, “Ah, Aiden, you’re so big.”
    Cohen’s eyes widened and locked on mine. He pulled in a deep breath and shook his head. “Wow, they’re really going at it in there.”
    I chuckled nervously. “Sounds like it.”
    Ashlyn and Aiden’s loud fucking continued for several minutes, and with each passing second, the vibe around Cohen and I grew heavier, and more intense.
    “I need a drink. Do you need a drink?” Cohen said, suddenly standing and exiting the water.
    “Um, sure. I’ll take a wine.”
    I reached over and turned the jets on, which drowned out a fraction of the noise. I considered pressing myself up against the bubbling stream of water to relieve some tension, but instead took a deep breath and clenched my thighs together.
    I couldn’t help but be reminded of the time I’d walked in on their lovemaking in Ashlyn’s living room. I’d made a joke of it at the time, leaning against the wall munching on crackers as I watched, simply because I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise process what I saw without downplaying it. It was the most passionate, uninhibited display of love I’d ever witnessed. And it scared the shit out of me. I’d acted cool and like I found the whole thing funny as a way to fool myself into believing that it was put on, an act. But what I witnessed between them was seared into my memory. You found love like that maybe once in a lifetime, if you were lucky.
    Cohen returned a second later with our drinks and slipped back into the water with me. “Damn, it’s even louder inside.”
    “I’ll bet.” I took the glass of wine from him and immediately took a healthy swig. Despite my best attempts at getting and staying buzzed today, the intensity of my attraction to Cohen seemed to keep me mostly sober.
    Positioned directly across from him, I couldn’t help but notice his eyes lingering on my breasts. I sat up straighter, pushing them above the waterline and Cohen nearly choked on his beer. I bit my lip to avoid smiling. His weakness was so easy to exploit.
    The loud groans and noises of energetic sex continued and even ramped up a notch when Aiden and Ashlyn’s headboard started banging against the wall.
    Unable to escape the erotic sounds, I found myself getting more and more turned on. I couldn’t help that a drop of silky heat dampened my bikini bottoms. It was a very intimate experience, hearing every moan, every gasp and grunt, and I

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