Cabin Fever Over Holidays

Free Cabin Fever Over Holidays by Jay Starre

Book: Cabin Fever Over Holidays by Jay Starre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jay Starre
Tags: M/M romance
Cabin Fever Over the Holidays
    Sam considered himself a regular guy. Like his name, steady, down-to-earth and built that way too. Solid. Brown hair, brown eyes, regular features in a square face. Not outstanding in the looks department. Not too tall at just under six feet. Not too loud or too quiet. Friendly enough but not a shmooze.
    He had no problem with that self-estimation. It usually worked for him. People instinctively liked and trusted him. He wasn’t threatening, and in his career as a financial planner in San Francisco’s busy banking district, that reputation served him well.
    Of course, he’d been invited to the Christmas holidays party up in the California Sierras being hosted by his best buds, Cole and Andreas. They’d have him chopping firewood and helping cook. He was reliable in that regard.
    The rugged road in to the cabin was dusted with new snow, but fortunately, he’d driven his 4x4 and had no trouble negotiating the slippery track. Cole welcomed him on the porch with open arms.  
    A stocky redhead with a brilliant smile in a freckled complexion, he was both ebullient and domineering. Actually, Cole was downright bossy. He had Sam filled in on the holiday schedule within the first fifteen minutes as they unpacked his truck together and dropped off his bags in his room.
    “I hope you don’t mind that we booked you a roommate. His name’s Jimmy and he’s from Palm Springs and quite the cutie. He’s single, and I hear he’s a willing slut so let’s hope you get some action out of it.”
    Sam merely smiled, unable to take Cole seriously. The redhead was a terror when it came to schedules but a total nitwit when it came to personalities. His partner, Andreas, was the sensitive one. He had the really juicy gossip, and often enough it was even true.
    Andreas also had the hots for Sam. It was not an uncomfortable thing between them; Andreas flirted with him while he merely smiled and refrained from responding to the blatant come-ons. Not that the tall ex-basketball player wasn’t hot. He had a killer body: long, lean and athletic. A curly nap of jet-black hair, soft brown eyes and bold open features were accented by luscious honey-brown skin.
    His mother was French and his father a New York City Haitian. He’d inherited a dramatic streak from both parents, but his years on a semi-pro basketball team had toned it down, or at least channeled it into competitiveness rather than hysteria. He was now a successful realty developer. He came in from the outdoors just as Cole was breaking the news to Sam about Jimmy.
    “I’ve heard he’s got a really tight ass. He’ll never take that big thing you’re sporting up his butt,” Andreas commented breezily as he embraced Sam in his long arms—and managed to grope his firm can at the same time.
    Cole hooted out his loud laugh before adding fuel to the fire. “Maybe you oughta break in the little blond punk for Sam! We all know our buddy here’s got a good-sized piece on him, but honey, your cock is the Snake From Hell and ain’t no one who can touch that!”
    They all laughed but Sam knew the truth behind the jesting. Andreas had a monster cock. Not only was it thick, but it was extremely long and had a huge knob at the end that most guys found truly intimidating.
    And that was the reason behind Andreas’s lust for Sam, he believed. Cole just couldn’t take that big dick up his ass, and Andreas needed to fuck butt. So, they had an arrangement, all very civilized. Andreas could fuck any ass that was willing, and capable, just so Cole didn’t have to get boned by that mammoth pipe.
    “I can suck on it pretty damn good,” Cole had explained once to Sam. “But in my ass? No way. I just can’t stretch enough to get that giant cock-head in my snug butthole. You’re welcome to try, my friend, but beware. You won’t walk for a week afterward!”
    Sam had taken cock up the ass often enough. He was a true versatile, enjoying both topping and

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