Cabin Fever Over Holidays

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Book: Cabin Fever Over Holidays by Jay Starre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jay Starre
Tags: M/M romance
bottoming. His easy-going, and often ambivalent, nature assured that. He’d seen Andreas’s big bone a number of times. They worked out at the same gym and he’d often stayed at their gorgeous townhouse up in the Pacific Heights area of San Francisco. All three had gone on several vacations together where he’d had occasion to see both of them in the buff.
    Truthfully, Andreas made sure Sam had a good look at that giant cock as often as possible. Not exactly flaunting it, but showing it off, for sure. Sam didn’t mind. Unlike Cole, he found the size and girth of that big brown bone a challenge. If Andreas and Cole weren’t his best friends and partnered, he’d jump on that monster meat. Maybe it wouldn’t be easy, but he was sure it would be fun trying.
    So that was the status quo. Andreas wanted to fuck Sam; Cole was fine with it, while Sam resisted them both— and his own urges.
    “Let’s get to work! We’ve got a dozen guests arriving for Christmas Eve dinner and that’s only two days off. Sam, you can hightail it out to the woodshed and split a heap of firewood. Andreas, you’re scheduled to put up the tree this morning. We can all decorate it after lunch at twelve forty-five.”
    *  *  *
    Sam enjoyed the hour of splitting and stacking firewood by himself. He wasn’t exactly a loner, but he was self-contained. He listened more than he talked and kept his own counsel in most matters. He couldn’t say he was lonely, even though he had no one to call his “boyfriend” nor could he claim a steady fuck-bud. Admittedly, he hadn’t even been dating lately.
    With the light dusting of fresh snow on the ground and coating the tree branches of the woods all around, he was pleased that they’d be enjoying a white Christmas, not a common occurrence for most Californians. The crisp air was invigorating, as well as the quiet. The nearest cabin was at least a quarter mile away ensuring relative privacy.
    When Cole came out with a gorgeous smile splitting his freckled face to call him in for lunch, Sam found he was more than simply pleased and invigorated. He was downright happy. It seemed he was always happy when he was around these two.
    By the time Jimmy arrived just before dark, they’d completed the tree decorating and were well into the beer. All three were feeling pretty good.
    “Hi, Jimmy! Welcome to the Cabin of Debauchery for our Holiday Fuck-Fest!” Cole announced as he swept the new arrival into his arms and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips.
    Andreas snatched the blond newcomer from his partner and introduced him to Sam. Sam met Cole’s eyes. Extraordinary blue orbs under the palest blond brows. Quite large too. They looked like they could swallow him.
    “Yum. Is this the hot stud you promised me for Christmas?” Jimmy said as he stepped forward and embraced Sam.
    “I don’t know about that,” Sam muttered back. “Cole invited some actual studs for the Christmas Eve party. And New Year’s. That’s probably when your hot Christmas gift will be arriving.”
    “Don’t mind him, Jimmy. He’s modest. Wait ’til you see his big fat cock,” Cole blurted out, followed by his hooting laugh.
    The ice was certainly broken, if there had been any to begin with. Jimmy was a sparkling rival to Cole’s boisterous dominance. The four of them chatted gaily around the luminously decorated tree and the roaring fire as the evening slipped away.
    It was Sam who retired first. “I need my beauty sleep. I’m sure Cole has all kinds of hard labor planned for tomorrow.”
    He was fast asleep when Jimmy came into the bedroom much later. He awoke to the sight of a naked blond bending over the bed against the opposite wall in the small room. The dim glow of the bed-stand lamp illuminated the lean body, which was surprisingly tanned for a blond. Of course, Jimmy was from Palm Springs where sunshine was a cheap commodity.
    That amber-brown tan terminated abruptly at the waist and started up again just below the

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