His Obsession

Free His Obsession by Sam Crescent

Book: His Obsession by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
to harder points than before. He stroked his hand
down her stomach to her pussy. Dipping his fingers into her centre he felt the
slickness of her cream. He coated his fingers with her cum then travelled back
up to thumb her clit.
    He stared into her eyes waiting for her to wake. She opened her eyes
with a moan escaping her lips. Her sounds made his dick pulse some pre-cum out
of the tip.
    “Morning,” he said. At the same time he pushed two fingers inside her as
his thumb grazed her clit.
    “Morning.” Her legs opened wider for him. She didn’t get
chance to say anything else. He kissed her lips moving up and over her.
    She kissed him back. He pulled his fingers out of her replacing them
with his cock. Ursula wrapped her legs around him as he slid all the way
inside. He intertwined their hands by her head as he pulled out of her to push
back in. She moved with him lifting her pelvis as he fucked her. He kissed her
lips then moved down to her neck and up again. She tilted her head back to give
him more access.
    Stephen loved her body. He liked the way her soft curves felt against
his harder body. She was all woman and fuller. He knew there was so much he
could do to her without the fear of hurting her.
    “Stephen,” she said. “More. I need more.”
    He nibbled down until he sucked her nipples into his mouth. She fought
against his hold. He refused to let her go.
    “I want to touch you.” She pleaded with him. The sound of her voice
undid him. He let go, and in the next instant her fingers sank into his hair
pulling him closer. Her hands were everywhere. He wanted her to touch him.
    They danced together as he thrust inside her, and she pushed up to meet
him. They were perfect. She was perfect. Together they built until she reached
between them to touch herself to release. He waited for her to come before he
pressed inside her to the hilt as his cum spurted inside her.
    Afterwards, he lay by her side stroking her body. She touched his hand
or caressed his arm.
    “I don’t want this moment to end.”
    “Me neither.” He kissed her lips.
    “I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” she said when he pulled away. Stephen
laughed. He kissed her one final time.
    “Go on. I’ll be downstairs. There should be a robe on the door, but you
could always come down naked.”
    She disappeared inside the bathroom, and he went to use another room
before he went to the kitchen. He put on a pair of bottoms not bothering with a
shirt. He set up the coffee machine, pouring some water into the one
compartment while putting the ground coffee beans into another. With the scent
of coffee surrounding him, he grabbed the paper from the letter box followed by
any mail. The morning air was freezing, and by the time he got back into the
kitchen he welcomed the warmth.
    “A normal person would have worn a jacket of some kind,” Ursula said.
She sat at the counter, her hair freshly brushed, looking refreshed. She wore a
black robe, which swamped her. It was the robe he usually wore. He liked seeing
it on her.
    “Well, I forgot about the weather.” He couldn’t think of anything else
to say. Stephen handed her the paper before pulling down two cups. He filled
hers with cream and sugar while he took his black.
    The paper rustled as she turned the page. He handed her a cup as he sat
down opposite her. She gave him back the paper taking the drink.
    “I never read the paper.”
    “You’re a student. Shouldn’t you read everything important?”
    “That’s the business paper. I couldn’t understand a word.”
    She sipped her coffee, and he moved the paper to one side. “I’d better
get back to my apartment and do some damage control with Paul.”
    His grip tightened on his cup. He didn’t want her to leave. “You don’t
have to leave. You can live here.”
    Ursula stood moving round the isle until she was next to him. “And
you’ll be banging your staff?”
    Stephen caught her hand in his, settling her down in his lap. “Don’t

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