His Obsession

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Book: His Obsession by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
about yourself like that. This is more,” he said.
    “I work for you, Stephen. This won’t work. We’re too different.”
    “Then you’re fired. If your problem is working for me I’ve just sorted
it out.”
    “It’s not that easy,” she said.
    “Yes, it is. This is my house, and what I say goes.” Stephen knew he’d
need to go to the club to talk to his friends about these feelings. The thought
of her leaving him or going back to Paul left him feeling angry with the need
to take and not let her go. “You’re not going back to him. I won’t let you.”
    She cupped his face. “I may have been stupid for staying with him, but
I’m not stupid enough to go back to him.”
    “You’re staying here,” he told her.
    “I can’t.”
    “Yes, you can. I’ll go with you and pack up some clothes for you. In
fact let me handle everything, and you won’t have to worry about anything.” He
liked his plan more and more.
    “Stephen, you’re not thinking about this.”
    “Look at me, Ursula.” He waited until he had her attention. “Don’t argue
with me. I know what I want. You’ll be living with me, and that’s the end of
it. I’m not leaving you in that place where he can get to you.”
    “I’ve got to go to college, and I
work for you.”
    “I fired you.”
    “Then I’ve got to get a job.”
    “Do I need to blackmail you?” he
asked. Ursula smiled at him.
    “Depends on the
blackmail.” Her
robe fell off one shoulder, her creamy shoulder tempting him to unveil more of
her delicious body.
    Stephen played along. “How about, if
you don’t do as I say I’ll tie you to my bed and have my wicked way with you.”
    Her eyes dilated. He knew his
suggestion turned her on. He pulled her robe open a little more.
    “That sounds better than blackmail.”
    He chuckled. Never had a morning
been filled with so much temptation.
    “If you don’t stay with me I’ll make
sure you get kicked out of college and not get work anywhere.” He noticed she
paused. The possessive need inside him made him aware of the fact he would do
anything to keep her with him. Even if that meant using unscrupulous
    “You wouldn’t do that,” she said. He
knew she was unsure, and he played on that.
    He stood using his body to crowd
round her. Everything he ever known about the men at his club and those that
visited Ravage came through to him. The feelings of possession that verged on
obsession were filling him. He would do anything to keep her with him.
    “Test me, Ursula. See if I’m joking.
You don’t everything about me.”
    He saw her swallow, then nod her
head. The demon inside him was put to rest. He didn’t even know he could feel
like this. She went up to the room to change, and he phoned Cadeon asking for him to be at Club Possession that night. He needed to talk to
someone. He was forty-five years old, and he couldn’t believe he needed to talk
to someone about his feelings.
    Stephen dressed and waited for
Ursula to come down the stairs.

Chapter Seven
    Ursula stared at her reflection. She
wore the same clothes from the previous night. Her pussy ached, along with her
nipples from Stephen’s lips. The way he’d spoken downstairs in the kitchen had
intrigued her. He’d threatened to make her life difficult if she didn’t agree
to live with him. She knew he was wealthy and would be able to do what he
threatened in a heartbeat. Would he do it? From the look in his eye she truly
believed he was capable of it.
    Why am I not pissed because of his warning?
    Because you like him. You like what he does to your body, and you love spending time with
    She let out a breath before leaving
the comfort of his bedroom. He stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting. He
wore black pants, a white, crisp shirt, and a leather jacket.
    “We’ll get breakfast on the way,” he
said. She nodded her head as he didn’t ask her if that was what she wanted.
    He grabbed her jacket and helped her
into it. She felt his

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