A Love So Tragic

Free A Love So Tragic by Stevie J. Cole

Book: A Love So Tragic by Stevie J. Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stevie J. Cole
I’m concerned, you're a whore, Peyton. You crossed the one line I had...” Nic walks to the door and I feel everything inside of me shatter. “Goodnight, Peyton.”
    And he leaves...
    I’m lost in thought, typing when I hear Isaac swear. “Shit!” A few seconds later he pops in the doorway. “I’ve gotta go out of town. I have an interview with ESPN.” 
    “That’s sudden.”
    “Yeah, I know.” He steps farther into the room and my eyes dart to the words on the screen. My heartbeat quickens and I close the document just before he steps behind me.
    “What'cha working on?”
    “Oh,” I glance at the monitor, fighting the heat washing over my face. “Just playing around on Facebook.”
    Isaac wraps his arms around my shoulders, brushing his nose over the crook of my neck before pressing a kiss over my skin. “I'll make this season up to you. I promise.” He pulls away, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. “We've got that charity auction next week. Pam booked two flights, got us a room at the Ritz-Carlton.” He smiles.
    “That'll be nice.” My heart’s still hammering in my temples.
    He nods, kisses me quickly, then goes to pack, and within an hour, he's leaving.
    Three months after I married Isaac, he signed with the Cardinals. I'm used to him going out of town. It doesn't bother me. And that makes me wonder if something is wrong. I should hate it when he leaves, right? I glance over to the dresser and see Isaac’s wedding band. 
    If I said I didn't wonder if he cheats on me, I'd be lying. He's a professional athlete who looks like a fitness model and let's not forget his track record: He cheated on me in high school, he slept with one of his best friend’s girlfriend. And the thing is, sometimes I wish I would find out he’s cheated on me because it would give me an out. I'm ashamed of that. My life is pretty damn perfect. Isaac's nice to me, he loves me, he's just a little distant and sucks at romance. I live in a beautiful home, in a nice neighborhood, and we have enough money that we write checks to charity that are equivalent to most people's yearly salary. I have the life people dream of, but something's just not right. And it never has been.
    I grab the laundry from the bed to put away. As I'm shoving the last towel onto the shelf, my phone rings. I shut the closet, go to the bedroom, and grab my phone.
    My heart stops beating for a second. When the back-supply of blood rushes through my veins, I get dizzy. 
    “Nicolas?” I say quietly.
    “Look, I’m sorry about the other weekend. You just…” he exhales. “I just wasn’t expecting some of that.” There's a moment of silence where we are both probably replaying that conversation in our heads. Nic clears his throat. “I remember how close you were with your mom, Peyton, and I’ve been thinking that maybe that’s what’s going on with you all of a sudden. And if it's something with Isaac, well, I don’t know your situation, and I don’t need to, okay? But no matter what has happened between us, we were too close for me to not still think of you as a friend, and I’m here for you if you need me. I just wanted you to know that.”
    That’s a lot to take in. I feel for the bed before falling back onto it. What do I say to that? He shouldn’t feel any obligation to me, and the fact that he does makes my chest go all tight.
    “Thank you…” I breathe. “So much, Nicolas. I appreciate that.”
    “So, how are you dealing with it? Honestly?”
    Those words, the sincerity in his voice, it causes my heart to crumple. It feels so natural and I can’t stop myself from opening up to him in ways I haven’t even opened up to Isaac. I know Isaac cares, but the truth is, he didn’t know my mother the way Nicolas did.
    “I’m not dealing with it,” I say. “I miss her. I miss her laugh. I miss talking to her. I’m angry.”
    “I know. Losing someone you love that much…” His breath blows across

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