Kaiju Apocalypse

Free Kaiju Apocalypse by Eric S. Brown, Jason Cordova

Book: Kaiju Apocalypse by Eric S. Brown, Jason Cordova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eric S. Brown, Jason Cordova
Tags: Science-Fiction, Horror
shoreline against the Kaiju swarm.  The Dog Kaiju were everywhere. They clogged the streets and alleyways of the city, sweeping through it like a tide of howling death.  The chatter of small arms fire mingled with their cries. 
    One group of either very brave or very stupid soldiers had slung together a barricade made from the wreckage of the city in the main street leading to the city's heart.  They fought desperately to hold it against the juggernaut of the Kaiju forces. Yeltsin watched on one of the monitors as the tripod mounted machine guns they'd set up atop the barricade tore the first wave of the Dog Kaiju to shreds.  Grenade launchers lobbed explosive rounds into the center of the of the Dog Kaiju lines as the monsters continued to press forward.  The soldiers around those using the mounted weapons added the fire of their rifles to the fury of the battle but it didn't matter.  The Dog Kaiju were too many and too determined.  The monsters reached the barricade and the valiant cries of the soldiers became screams as they were ripped apart by the horde. 
    The tank that had escaped the Mother Kaiju in its mad flight from the beast had turned onto a street where the Dog Kaiju were swarming en mass.  The monsters spotted the heavy vehicle at once and came at it by the dozens.  The tank's secondary guns blazed, hosing the creatures with 105 millimeter cannon fire.  One Dog Kaiju was cut in half, its intestines spilling onto the street.  Another's skull evaporated from a nearly point blank hit.  Another paused to stare at the orange blood spurting from its shoulder where an arm had been connected only a moment before.  The tank's main gun was useless at such close range as the Dog Kaiju leaped onto its hull, slashing grooves into its armor with their claws.  Yeltsin held his breath, hoping for a miracle, as the tank tried in vain to flee.  Several of the Dog Kaiju working together yanked its main hatch open.  Scale covered hands reached into the vehicle and pulled one of its crew out.  The poor woman died painfully.  Two of the Dog Kaiju, fighting over who got her flesh, ripped her arms from their sockets as her blood splattered over the green exterior of the tank.  A third Dog Kaiju nuzzled its head into her abdomen, its teeth sinking into and tearing the woman's flesh.  When she lay still atop the tank and the Dog Kaiju raised its red stained face towards the camera Yeltsin was watching the battle through, the Minister of War turned away.
    “Shut that feed off!” he snapped at the closest officer.  Nevertheless, Yeltsin knew inside that the grizzly scene he had just witnessed was what lay in store for them all.  “There's nothing more we can do from here. What’s the status of the east wall?”
    “Gone, sir,” someone called out. “Dog Kaiju overran the defenders when the auxiliary heavy support units moved out to support the south wall, where the Mother breached.”
    “Holding for now, sir,” a new voice called out. “Dog Kaiju are light up there. We’ve diverted some of the defending units to the east to help, but we’re not sure they’re going to make much of a stand.
    “West is holding as well, sir,” an officer reported. “No spare units to redeploy, however. Those flying Kaiju shredded their defenses.”
    Yeltsin looked back at the various monitors. Command Central had fallen silent around him.  All the officers and personnel were staring at him.  Yeltsin realized his cheeks were wet with tears.  He roughly wiped them away.  “I want everyone to grab whatever weapons they can.” His voice was harsh, though it did not break.  “We're going to be joining the battle out in the streets.”
    “Sir!” cried an officer who sat at one of the consoles across the room from where Yeltsin stood.  “The Kaiju!  Something's happening to them!”
    Yeltsin turned to look at the monitors that hadn't been shut down yet.  The Dog

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