Eat Me Up
Evernight Publishing

    Copyright© 2011 Amarinda Jones

    ISBN: 978-1-926950-26-6

    Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

    Editor: Kimberly Bowman


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Eat Me Up

    Amarinda Jones

    Copyright © 2011

    Prologue—Resort City, Florida

    Victoria O’Connell gripped the pillows under her head as she panted and spread her legs as far as she could. The man licking her clit was driving her mad with the need to be filled with hot dick.
    Andre looked up at her, his mouth wet from her juices. “I bet you never thought your pen pal of nineteen years would eat you up.”
    Victoria giggled. Nope. In fact she hadn’t thought much of Andre when she first saw him after he picked her up at the airport.
    That he was dark-haired and muscle-bound was just the surface gloss. She looked for more than that in a man. The thing that struck her most was the fact he was totally devoted to talking about himself. That was great on paper and email but not the give and take of face to face conversation.
    So, after listening to how fantastic Andre kept telling her he was, drinking the three—or maybe it was four—glasses of the wine he kept pouring seemed like a great idea. In fact, the more she drank the more impressed Victoria was with him. When he suggested she relax on his bed, she agreed. It had been a long flight from Australia and she was a little woozy. As for taking off her clothes? It seemed like a good idea too as the alcohol made her hot. She became even hotter when a naked Andre climbed up on top of her.
    “What are you doing?” Victoria knew it was a silly question with his dick pressing into her stomach.
    “I want to fuck you.” His hands covered her breasts, kneading the fullness.
    “W-wh-what?” Fuck me? Did pen pals do that? Victoria closed her eyes as the heat from his body suffused hers. They were chest to breast with pelvises touching. There was something so right about male flesh tight against hers. Any thoughts of pen pal etiquette were fast disappearing. Maybe he wasn’t so self-absorbed.
    “I can make you feel good all over.” One hand strayed down to her pussy.
    And that’s how it started. Victoria could have blamed the alcohol. It had impaired her senses. As did her libido. It was always on red alert for incoming cock. The touch of a finger to her clit and she succumbed to the moment and the man.
    “Who knew you were such a slut?”
    Well, I did. Victoria loved sex and she felt no need to feel ashamed of that. Three fingers were thrust into her vagina. Her pelvis thrust up to meet them.
    “I’d prefer your dick. But you need a condom.” Loving sex was one thing. Health and safety another.
    “Nah, I don’t need one. I have something even better for you.”
    What was better than cock, other than chocolate, of course? His fingers pushed further inside her.
    “That’s nice.” Victoria loved the overwhelming fullness of a man between her legs. Then a fourth finger joined in. “O-o-o-h…”
    “You like?” Andre’s finger pushed in further.
    I love, but wait a second–was that a thumb? Her cunt was being stretched open by the width of a determined male fist.
    Victoria tried to move. She couldn’t. Victoria was pinned down and helpless.
    “Relax, you’ll enjoy it.”
    “This hurts.” Sorta. It was uncomfortable yet not. It was like a giant cock had forced its way inside her and her body was doing it’s best to accommodate it.
    “It won’t soon.” His whole hand pushed in up to the wrist.
    “I can feel how

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