
Free Defiance by Stephanie Tyler

Book: Defiance by Stephanie Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Tyler
approved it. Now go find your woman and show the club that Tru doesn’t control you like a dog on a fucking leash. If you can.”
    Caspar had chased Tru before. He would never do it again. Not like this. It couldn’t go back to the way it had been.
    A rainy Saturday night. He’d been eighteen, Tru fifteen and it wasn’t his responsibility to chase Tru’s tail and haul her ass back but tonight, Silas made it his with a phone call, as did Trixie and fuck, you didn’t say no to Trix when it came to anything Tru-related.
    He hadn’t seen her since the night he’d fought Roan. He’d gone back to the Navy, heard from Silas that Tru was acting out.
    Near as he could figure, Tru’d started rebelling almost immediately after watching her first fight and his blow job. Hell, he hadn’t asked her to watch, but she had. He’d never thought she’d react so strongly but hell, she’d gone off the deep end, partying. Acting like a goddamned man and Silas was getting sick of it.
    Caspar had been back home on leave for less than four hours and he was already being called to babysit Tru and clean up Silas’s shit and he didn’t take kindly to that.
    Silas slammed into the clubhouse ten minutes after he’d called Caspar. “Left her at some bullshit party in town.”
    “What the fuck, Si?”
    “We’re fighting.”
    “Why’s that?”
    “She’s a fucking bitch,” was the drunken retort, before he’d turned toward Fiona, who’d been conveniently hanging around all night waiting for an opportunity.
    She might like Caspar’s dick better, had told him so less than half an hour before, but she knew which man was closer to the top and shit, he couldn’t blame her for her social climbing banging.
    After he’d gotten the address out of Silas, he took his revved-up truck in case Tru was drunk and sloppy, in which case propping her on his bike wasn’t the best idea. Trixie wanted her home in one piece and as he drove through the heavy rains, he ruminated on Tru Tennyson and how the memory of watching her while he’d gotten blown at the fight was driving him up a fucking wall.
    Before that, she’d been a quiet one. Now, she alternately acted like one of the men of the MC or like she was too good for the life. But instead of going after MC men, every time Silas slept with another girl, she took off with one of the guys from town. This was all according to Tru’s best friend, Aimee, who was concerned and Hammer, who was concerned because his chick was jawing her concern in his ear and he was sick of hearin’ it.
    They were only too happy to spend time with the wild, gorgeous chick from Defiance with the rough father and a body that was built for sin.
    He’d watched her grow up from the time he’d arrived in Defiance. He’d always caught her watching him, but hell, everyone watched him for one reason or another, and usually none of them good.
    He wasn’t sure what he’d wanted to accomplish by egging her on, making her watch him with Fiona on her knees. At first, maybe he’d simply wanted to embarrass her, until he’d realized she hadn’t been watching him because he was the bastard freak.
    She’d been watching him like she wanted him. For real.
    “Fuck me,” he muttered as he pulled onto the street, three towns over. According to Aimee, she’d taken Silas here to a huge party in one of the wealthy sections after receiving a personal invite. How Tru got the invites, he didn’t know, but fuck it all, he’d drag her ass out of there. Embarrass the hell out of her.
    Or maybe these people expected to see this shit, looked at it like it was some kind of free show.
    “Probably makes the women wet,” Silas would agree when Caspar would bitch about it tomorrow. “We should do it more often.”
    He passed the drunken boys and girls stumbling around on the front lawn, slammed into the large house where the music blasted and scanned for his charge.
    The stares surrounded him—suspicion from the guys, want from the women

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